Episode 14: Fallouts and Make Up's Part One

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They're the last two back at the Villa, with half the other Islanders already out on the lawn by the time they get to the bedrooms. Gary, Ibrahim, and Rocco are getting themselves ready to go shower, raking through their drawers and chatting.

"Ladies," Gary says as Priya and Daphs enter. He pauses a moment, looking away like he's contemplating something, then makes a beeline for them before they can reach the door. "Daphs, quick word, if you don't mind."

Daphs lets Priya go on ahead, going back down the bedroom to Gary's bed. "What's up?"

"Yeah, just that thing you said to Lottie ... what did you mean by it?"

"Well, I know she told everyone this morning that she saw Bobby and I having sex last night," Daphs says, keeping her voice low. Rocco and Ibrahim are the only others in the room and they're having their own chat, but it's better to be safe. "She saw us from the roof terrace, and then you made a comment about seeing us up there, too. I worked it out, Gary, that you two were up there together. I don't know why you've both been keeping it a secret, but I assume there is a reason, so I won't pry, but do know that it doesn't take a genius."

Gary looks a little ashen faced. "Can you do me a favour ... Let Lottie know that I never told you."

Daphs nods, understanding. "Of course, hun, you don't need to ask that of me." She hugs him, smelling the slime, and leaves him to it, going out to the garden.

Daphs spots Marisol, Lottie, and Priya at the beanbags, Hope and Noah are nowhere to be seen, no doubt enjoying their treat, but Bobby is in the kitchen filling up his water bottle. "Hey," he says, managing a small smile.

"Hey," Daphs replies, realising they haven't had a chance to speak properly yet. That would have been fine, but Daphs can feel a tension between them that might not have been so there had they chatted about what they got up to the night before earlier. "Fancy a chat?"

Bobby looks out over the Villa and nods with his head turned away from her. "Sofas?" He suggests.

"Sure," Daphs says, swinging her water bottle as she makes her way over. Bobby walks alongside her.

"I'm glad you wanna chat, to be honest, I wasn't sure if you would be up for talking about what happened..." Bobby begins before they've even sat down.

They sit together on the sofa which is back-to-back with the snug (a small, circular sofa area secluded from view from the rest of the Villa). "What do you mean?" Daphs says, meaning several things herself.

"I think, personally, you should maybe approach Hope and Lottie and apologise about what happened."

Daphs is visibly taken aback. She sits against the back rest of the sofa, her brows raised over her sunglasses. For a moment she purses her lips, nodding her head. "It was just a laugh; nothing was meant by it with Noah. We were all being like that, so I really don't understand the upset."

"Well, I think you hurt Hope and I think that's worth apologising for, intentional or not."

"Well, what about you?" She says, feeling herself firing up again. Daphs swings her hair behind her, rounding on him. "Do you think you need an apology from me for it? Like, are you expecting one?"

Daphs knows she's talking with much more of an edge to her voice than is necessary. Bobby is sat leaning over, his elbows along his thighs, legs open and hands clamped together. He has his shades on, too.

There's an almost amused expression on Bobby's face. Not like he actually finds the situation funny, but more like he can't believe that he's in the situation. There's a pause before he answers her, and he slowly turns to face her and says, "Would I get one if I was expecting one?"

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