Episode 42: What a Slimeball

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Another day in Paradise looms, the Islanders doing what they do best: lounging about in bikini's and trunks. The girls are settled on the beanbags, chatting away, whilst the boys muck about in the pool with some new floaties.

The challenge for the boys is who can land on the giant unicorn from jumping into the pool from the side, and it doesn't hurt that the girls all have such a good view.

"Look at them go," Hope says, her head one of many turned towards them. "In their natural habitat."

Daphs looks up in time to see Bobby salmon onto the unicorn, landing on his back before rolling headfirst off and into the water to the cheers of the boys.

"Not a bad natural habitat to have," Priya says, rolling onto her stomach. "I have to say, this is probably mine ... Did you ever dream your life would turn out like this?"

"What do you mean?" Hope asks her.

"It's all pretty special, right? Obviously, it hasn't been all flowers and sunshine, but times like this make it so good. We've got good weather, the sound of people having fun, some fit boys to oogle ... We're straight up living the dream!"

Daphs grins. "Yeah, best to enjoy it all while we can. I don't want to jinx anything by saying so, you know, but I am so thankful every time I get to wake up and spend another day in here with you guys."

"I know what you mean. It's barely been two weeks in here, but it feels like everything has changed for me already. I don't know if I want to go back to my old job or if I wasn't to go out there and follow my dreams some more ... Maybe I should just put the vibes out there and see what the universe brings me."

Lottie raises a brow. "A 'Cocktails and Cronuts' truck is what that attitude gets you, if I know anything."

"Ha!" Priya barks, her head rearing back. "I didn't realise how much I sounded like him right now. I hate to say it," she says, looking genuinely a little torn, "but I think Rocco might have rubbed off on me a little."

"I guess I wasn't the only one," Marisol grins.

"Whatever you guys did in private was your business, babe," Lottie tells her.

"Speaking of rubbing off ..." Marisol reaches around for the bottle of sun cream. "Could one of you girls rub some sun cream on my back?"

Hope takes it. "Sure thing, babe." As Marisol turns over, Hope begins working, glancing over at the pool. "I give really good massages, by the way. Noah loves them."

"I'm not surprised, that feels great, Hope."

"Have you had any good massages from Lucas yet? Him being a pro and all," Priya says, eyeing Daphs.

Daphs grins. "Maybe."

Playfully, Lottie nudges Daphs with her foot. "You two seem pretty settled now. Did you ever have that talk with Bobby?"

Daphs shakes her head, not looking at Marisol. "I didn't think I needed to in the end, you know? I mean, Bobby is the one who officially ended things, and I've made no secret of trying to make things work with Lucas since the whole Bobby and Kitty thing ... I just, I don't know, I don't think it needs to be said. I think looking in, Lucas and I are pretty obviously going well."

"He's not the type to stand in someone else way either, our Bobby," Hope says, reassuringly. "I think he'd obviously be spinning if you ever went back to him, but if you're happy, he's not going to try and get in your way."

Daphs nods, trying not to let on how sad that makes her. Not because she wants Bobby to steal her away or be pining after the whole time, but because she hates the thought of him being unhappy at all. And the source of it all comes down to Daphs.

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