Episode 68: Uncle Festering

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After her cry, Daphs heads back downstairs with the girls. Wanting to forget about her conversation with Lucas and also, well, forget about him in general, Daphs steers the convo onto Chelsea and Priya's love lives, asking for the distraction of other's with more potential than herself.

"I ..." Priya began listlessly before grunting a sigh, "Ugh. I'm going to have to end things with Felix. He's so excitable, though, I don't want to damper his spirit."

"I wouldn't worry, babes," Chelsea says, "if anyone can take a pie, it's Felix! Just remember what we said upstairs, if it's not right, better to expose the wound now before it can fester!"

"Yeah, don't Uncle Fester it, babe," Daphs adds. "It'll be better for you both if you both know it's time to start again with someone new."

"But that's the thing ... there isn't anyone new," Priya laments. "I thought Casa was a miracle; six hot new guys to choose from, but it turns out not one of them was right for me either. I can't help but feel like I'm never going to find someone and I'm going to end up leaving here single and on my own, just like how I came in."

Daphs hugs her. "It's insane you're still single."

"Yeah, totes," Chelsea adds, "Like, look at you, Pree! You're drop dead gorgeous; you and Daphs are so funny together, like what a comedy duo! You've got a great job, a stable life! You're honestly such a catch."

Priya blushes. "Thanks, guy. We need to keep channelling this energy, find ourselves our perfect match."

"How are things with you and Gary, Chels?" Daphs asks.

Chelsea looks half-thoughtful. "Oh, great," she replies with a flick of her wrist, "he'd been giving me loads of space, you know? Like, we haven't even spoken since this morning. How crazy is that?"

Daphs furrows her brows. "Do you not want to talk to him?"

"I like him," she shrugs, "but I don't know if he's really all in? He's been different since we got back."

"How do you mean?" Priya asks.

"Like, we spent more time together as a couple before we coupled up, but now that we're here, it's like that magic has gone already? Like we're domesticated and boring now, which don't get me wrong – I'd love to be at that stage in life with the right guy, but I mean? This soon?"

Daphs and Priya both nod. "Do you think that maybe you should have a talk with him?" Daphs asks. "Figure out where both your heads are at."

"Oh, that does sound like a good idea." Chelsea nods at Daphs with a big smile on her face before that smile drops and her eyes go wide. "But what if he decides to cool things off?"

Daphs and Priya share a look.

"Wouldn't it be better to know?" Priya asks. "Then it won't Uncle Fester, right?"

Chelsea takes a deep breath. "You're right. No Uncle Festering."

It's words Daphs has to take heed of herself. Not just with Lucas ... but with whatever it is she has lingering under the surface with Noah, too. At least until she can sort out what her head wants. Or, really, her heart. Also, vagina. That's important, too, and one of the biggest troublemakers out there.

Daphs seeks her chance to have a real one-on-one talk with Noah in the evening. Though they've been hanging out on-and-off all day, Daphs has been slowly putting up a barrier there. They still cuddle up together, and they've held hands on more than one occasion throughout the day, but Daphs has her barriers.

Once she's dressed for the evening in another bombshell look that is sure to make Lucas rue the day ... or, er, yesterday ... that he dumped her ... and Blake will be like, oh, urgh, OMG, like I'm so dumb and I can't believe I ever thought I could measure up and I'm so stupid and –

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