Episode 111: Interluding

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Bodies walk out from the bedroom, shouting out greetings. Two younger ones, a male and female, and then an old lady that must be someone's grandmother alongside someone's mother – ah, Gary and Lottie's friends and family.

As soon as Lottie's friends round the corner and see her, the three of them dissolve into shrieks of jubilation, smashing together for a three-way hug. Daphs and Bobby are with Gary on the beanbags when they all realise, and at once, Gary is up on his feet, racing to embrace his mum and nan. Bobby offers Daphs a hand up before they both go and greet Gary's mum and nan, too.

Daphs avoids Lottie's friends as everyone else piles around in the kitchen. After all, they'll be going to bitch about her when they talk to Lottie alone. To Daphs surprise, Lottie's friends both seek her out, giving her a hug and a warm hello before Lottie grabs them both away, throwing Daphs the stink eye.

"You okay?" Bobby asks as he corrals Daphs off to the sun loungers, far from where Lottie takes her friends over at the swing.

"I'm so tired of it all, Bobby," Daphs says, taking his hand.

"I know, I know," he says, cuddling her in, "I hate all this drama, too. I hoped it would all blow over overnight, but ... I don't know, it's just getting worse."

The reception Daphs gets from Lottie's friends on their way out the door is a touch more reserved, as Daphs expects. At least Gary's mum and nan are lovely to her, though, so that's something. Daphs hopes that Lottie's friends will change their tune once the episode of Lottie clearly being a toad airs. Probably will still be on her side since they're all pals, but at least they won't just have one side of the story anymore. If it's edited right.

Daphs wonders away as soon as Gary's family are gone, leaving Bobby to sort out filling up their water bottles. He comes to join her over at the firepit where she's laying along the bench.

"Gary and Lottie are falling out," Bobby says, propping Daphs head in his lap.

"What happened?" Daphs asks as she takes her bottle, sitting up to take a drink.

Bobby shrugs his shoulders. "Gary had said something when they were sitting down with their friends and that, and she's flipping out that he's not supporting her and taking your side. Apparently, he made things very awkward for Lottie."

Daphs snorts.

Last, but not least, two of Hope's sisters come just before everyone is thinking about what's for dinner, coming in with Noah's mum and his little sister, too.

Daphs gets a mixed reception from Hope's sisters; Faith is kind enough, not treating her much different from the other Islanders, but Charity is very ... mild in regard to Daphs, almost a little dismissive. It's nothing compared to the way she treats Noah, however, looking him up and down in lieu of any hugs or handshakes. It makes her stomach squirm guiltily as much as it gives her some vindication.

It isn't helped when Noah's mum approaches Daphs with a huge, huge smile on her face. "Aw, Daphne," she says, taking her in for a lengthy hug while Noah's sister whispers something to him that makes him roll his eyes and frown. "You're even prettier in person," she says as she pulls away.

"Aw, thanks," Daphs says, grinning broadly despite herself, "Noah has always said how beautiful his mum is, and he was so right, Mrs. Alexander."

"Aw, Daphne, call me Diane, please."

She's swept away by the next Islander looking for a hug and Noah's sister takes her place with Daphs. She grins, dragging out her, "Hey," like they've known each other for years. Despite Daphs and Noah's falling out, Daphs doesn't want there to be any bad blood between her and Noah's family (Daphs was still going round for Sunday dinners at her ex's parents house before she went on Love Island). Daphs brings her in for a hug, and is just opening her mouth to ask 'how are you?' when Noah appears at their side.

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