Episode 89: Speak Up

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The conversation is interesting at the very least and Daphs leaves it with no ill will towards Kitty.

After their chat, Kitty is swept up by Lucas who pulls her over to the beanbags to speak. Daphs is in a similar situation as the minute she's free, Marisol swoops in.

"Hey, hun, how did that chat pan out?" She asks.

They travel up the garden towards the kitchen, Daphs wanting to refill her water bottle.

"It was fine, honestly," Daphs replies. "She isn't going after Bobby."

"I'm glad you two have mended that hurt," Marisol says, putting her arm over Daphs, bringing her in close so they can walk together. Daphs slides her arm around Marisol's waist. "I'd like to think she's being genuine this time. Like, she was genuine to an extent before. She had a gameplan that she revealed to few, but it blew up in her face. I hope her strategy works this time."

"She doesn't have a strategy..."

"Not having a strategy is a strategy, Daphs."

"Hmm, I suppose you're right."

They pass by Noah, Rahim, and Graham chatting on the swing. Daphs waves, catching Noah's eye in particular. He smiles back at her, waving like the other lads.

"I actually want to ask you something, Mar," Daphs says as she unscrews her bottle lid. "It's about Kitty and Bobby. So, I've asked Bobby about it before, like, we've talked about all this stuff, but he always reassured me that there was nothing beyond her trying and that night they had sex, but Lottie was telling me this morning that there was more to it than that."

Marisol raises a brow. "I mean ... I'm a little surprised you haven't heard any of this before from people gossiping, but ... yeah. The night she got dumped – obviously neither of them knew it was going to be their last night as a couple – but, they had a deep chat about you and the possibility of Bobby never actually being with you again. They – listen, I don't want to rat Bobby out or anything, but they did have a kiss. I'm sure he hasn't told you because it was over before it was anything, and he's obviously not pining after it."

Daphs nods. "I mean, it would have taken him literally one second to tell me, and like I said, there's been plenty of opportunities for him to have told me. Like, I'm not angry, of course I'm not, but I just don't get why he wouldn't have said."

"I can't speak for him, I can only guess," Marisol shrugs. "He might not feel that you two are at a place where he can say it, but again, I can only guess. It's not necessary the truth. I know Gary had a chat with him about Kitty, and he encouraged him to go for it."

"I'll speak to Bobby about it later."

It's like his ears are burning, as less than a minute later, Bobby steps out having left the bedroom with Gary, the both of them changed into their day wear (swim shorts) now. Daphs has just opened the pantry, hidden behind the door when they pass, so neither boy sees her.

"... Just a bit mental," Gary says as they pass. "Not who I expected at all."

"Same," Bobby replies, his voice low, but not low enough, "it's definitely not what I needed right now."

Daphs shuts the door, watching as they go to the gym. Banana in hand, Daphs heads to the bedroom.

Inside, Hope and Lottie sit with their legs crossed over on Hope's bed, facing one another.

"Just the person I was hoping for!" Hope sings, arms wide and welcoming for Daphs to come over. She does at once, falling into Hope's open arms. Lottie sinks over Daphs so the three of them are in a pile up. "How are you feeling, baby girl?" Hope asks as she strokes back Daphs hair from her face.

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