Episode 35: Spa-rring

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The spa smells lush; the aroma of the bath salts and massage oils is everywhere as they girls take it all in, a glass of champagne each in hand.

The girls are split into two groups of three for separate experiences. Daphs, Hope, and Kitty are taken to the massage beds whilst the other three girls are off to the sauna.

The massage is amazing; it isn't everything Daphs needs, but as far as a pounding from behind that she had to stop herself from moaning too loudly for, it's definitely a good second.

After, the girls are given mud masks, their hair towelled on top of their head, and taken to get their nails done. Just in time as Daphs is in desperate need of infills. She's not one to get her nails done a lot, the long length interfering with her work, but she allowed herself a French manicure before stepping in the Villa. Still, she keeps them on the shorter side ... for reasons ...

"So, girls," Hope begins, "I think the topic that needs discussing right now has to be Bobby."

Daphs can't see Kitty's reaction due to the cucumber slices over her eyes, but she imagines Kitty grinning like a Cheshire cat. Then she imagines punching that cat in the face.

"What's there to say?" Daphs begins, feeling her voice hitch at the end. She's going to say more, but has to stop herself to stop her chest tightening.

"I think this might be the perfect opportunity for us to talk about this," Hope says. "It'll stop everyone else from having to walk on eggshells around the Villa."

"I don't have anything to say," Daphs answers.

Kitty grunts heavily. "Not even an apology after screaming at me yesterday?"

"Absolutely not."

"Then I've got nothing to say either."

"Aye-ya-yay," Hope says. "Do you guys really want to bring all this back into the Villa?"

"If I'm being honest, Daphs hasn't welcomed me into the Villa at all," Kitty says. "This isn't just about yesterday or last night or Bobby or whatever – or maybe it is about Bobby. After all, I chose him for my hot tub date in the Hideaway, and Daphs has barely spared me a word since."

"Nah, I didn't like you from that first conversation we had," Daphs admits. "When all us girls were on the swing, I just knew the type of person you are, and that's not a very nice one. Considering how you've behaved since then my instinct was right."

"I could say the same to you, Daphs," Kitty retorts. "There was an unpleasantness to the way you were talking to me that I didn't feel from the other girls, and since then I've honestly felt like you've not tried once to include me in on anything. You don't want me here. You never have, and that's been made very clear to me from day one."

"Does a little coldness justify trying to split her up from her boyfriend?" Hope responds, not unkindly.

"He wasn't her boyfriend," Kitty replies through clenched teeth. "Bobby's a free agent who's being strung along by a girl who loves attention more than air. You've seen her with the other boys, Hope, you aren't happy with the way she behaves around Noah –"

"What?" Daphs bursts out, rearing round to Hope, one cucumber sliding onto the mud on her cheek.

"No, Daphs –" Hope begins, groaning. "At the start, before Kitty even came in, I thought you fancied Noah, and we've spoken about how you two are together already, so there's no point dragging any of this he-said-she-said up, right, Kitty?" Hope finished warningly. "I trust Noah, and, Daphs, you have absolutely become one of my girls in here, I know you'd never go there."

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