Episode 106: Whispers & Wise-Up's

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Later on, once everyone is all dolled up for the evening, Daphs is chilling with Gary, Hope, and Lucas at the decking sofa's. They're discussing Lucas' situation with Chelsea and Hannah.

"Yeah, I'm not sure where Chelsea's head is at, to be honest," he says, looking over at where she's chatting with Lottie and Mickey.

"To be fair, I don't think even Chelsea knows where her head is at half the time," Gary jokes.

"Don't be mean," Daphs says, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "She's not sure. There's more than one thing she's got to consider here. I think anyone would be in two minds."

"It's a risk, isn't it? Either way, I suppose," Hope adds. "Like, she and Mickey are so new, so it's hard to know if something is truly there. I won't lie, though, they don't see to be progressing as a couple as much as everyone else. Like, at first I could really see it, but now I'm not so convinced."

Daphs has to admit the more time goes on, the less Daphs can see the chemistry between Chelsea and Mickey. It's like something is fizzling it all away.

"I think, as well, when you compare them to, like, Rahim and Jo," Daphs says, trying to be as political about it as possible, "it makes it a lot more obvious that they're kind of in a bit of a standstill. Chelsea did say to me that she feels like she and Mickey can't actually get to the next level until they're out of here."

"I mean, without me being in the picture at all," Lucas comments, eyes sliding down Daphs as he talks, "I think the fact that these things are being said and picked up on, really speaks for itself."

Gary nods. "Chelsea's a bit of a slow burner as well, though."

"She is happy with Mickey, though," Daphs adds in their defence.

Lucas dawns half a smirk her way as she asks, "But could she be happier?"

Rolling her eyes, Daphs says, "The age-old question. How is Hannah taking it?"

"Um," he falters, pausing to subtly gulp, his eyes now roaming the garden for Hannah who's with Bobby in the kitchen, mixing drinks, "she was a little frosty when she found out, but she's ... laid it on since last night. I don't think she wants to find herself in the same situation she was in back at the start."

"Who would?" Hope asks. "It's not like she's got a whole lot of options if things don't work out for you both. If she went with Mickey, it would just be a case of pairing up the spares."

Gary rubs at his chin. "We've not got long left in here anyway. She only needs to make it work 'til the end of the show, right?"

"But when you come on Love Island you want to be walking out with somebody you do see a future with regardless, not someone you've fallen in with because no one else was available," Daphs says, purposefully not looking at Lucas.

In Daphs mind, his reasons for recoupling with Chelsea fall into line with the fact she's an obviously more popular candidate than Hannah, and he needs her likeability to rebuff his own unpopularity.

"Yeah, but not everyone can leave with their first choice, can they?" Lucas asks of her. "I'm sure things would be looking pretty different if everyone got their own way in here. Anyway, how are you feeling," he pauses, still watching her, for dramatic effect, "after the carry on?"

"Lucas," Hope mutter sharply. She cuts herself off with a look at Daphs before her eyes flick to Gary.

Lucas gives Hope a look of perplexed innocence which Daphs is doubtful to believe. Furrowing her brows, Daphs asks him, "What carry on?"

Deep breaths are taken all around. Gary props his hand up to the side of his face on Daphs side.

"Well ..." Lucas says after a pause, obviously taking one for the team, "what you said to Lottie."

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