Episode 83: Tongue Tied

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The Hideaway is mostly as Daphs remembers it from the two previous times she's been in.

Rose petals are scattered across the bed and a whole lot of candles have been lit. One peek out to the hot tub reveals it's been set up for a cosy chit-chit. Daphs is suspicious of the fact that the whole day the Hideaway was being prepped with the knowledge that she and Lucas would be heading there. Daphs suspects she's thrown a spanner in the works of what the producers had been hoping would lead to some very interesting television.

"Ooh," Bobby says as he first eyes the hot tub outside. There's a bottle of prosecco and two glasses close by. "Hot tub and prosecco?"

Daphs raises on brow suggestively. "Hot tub and prosecco."

They change into their swimsuits (Bobby runs to get them) and have a sit down in the tub. "So," Bobby says, glass in hand, "do you reckon we'll get to spend the night here?"

With a grin, Daphs replies, "I mean, it would the nicest way to end tonight. I was getting used to sharing a bed with you."

"Can't believe that was the first time we got the chance to," he says, eyes wide.

Daphs lets out a tinkle of a laugh. "Yeah, it's weird that the only time we coupled up, it started out non-romantic-ish. You know, like, when it happened, when we weren't together."

"Well, it's not the only time we've been coupled up. We were the first couple here. It was brief, our official time together, but it is still the best coupling I had until we got to do it again."

A small smile appears on her face, her eyes soft, but that smile disappears. "Did no one really ever catch your eye since us, Bobby? I know that what happened with Kitty was ... well that. Besides that, though, there's really been no one else? I mean, it'd be easier to list the girls you haven't coupled up with."

He raises a brow, a wry smile on his face. Really, none of it meant anything."

"I wanna say as well," he adds, not quite catching her eye as a small grin cocks onto his face, "that I really appreciate that even though we're not here tonight as a couple, that we're here at all, that we're getting this chance, and that's because of you."

I love you, I love you, I love you.

He reaches over and boops her on the nose. Daphs immediately laughs, the sound short and giddy. She boops him back. "Whatever else has happened, I'm glad we've got us now. It feels a bit mental, thinking about all that time in the middle away from you, now that we're us again."

With a small shrug of his shoulders, Bobby laments, "We got here in the end, that's what matters. We haven't been together in here for most of our time, but we're here now, we met, and I'll always be grateful to Love Island for that. There's the rest of our lives to go from now on, if you don't mind me mentioning it..."

"Not at all."

He shuffles closer, putting his arm around her. "I can't wait to be coupled up with you again."

"Third time lucky."

There's nothing but longing in his eyes as he says, "Feels like I've known you for ages. I can't believe before this Summer you weren't actually in my life."

Daphs smiles back to him, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. "It's only going to get better from here."

"Some private chill time with my girl is exactly what we needed. I liked the challenge today, but I'd have liked it a whole lot more if I had been coupled up with you."

"We absolutely would have smashed it."

He smiles. "No contest, but enough challenge talk, let's get back to our date," he takes her hand, getting up suddenly, making the water slosh all about. "Think I saw some massage stuff in the bedroom earlier ... if you want to get cosier."

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