Episode 7: Shaggadelic, Baby

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Single gal Daphs is in the dressing room with the girls' sans Priya, who had taken Rocco for a chat in the meantime. The smell of kiwi spray is thick in the air as the girls are about to embark on the conversation of the evening. Hannah clocks eyes with Daphs in the mirror.

"Talk about a plot twist!" She says, lowering her mascara brush. "I was, like, so sure Priya was gonna go for Gary."

"She shouldn't have gone for anyone, as far as I'm concerned," Lottie says, pouting.

Hope steps back from the wardrobe holding two different sets of clothes. She scoots passed the girls and holds each of them up in turn in the mirror, taking them in turns against her reflection. "That isn't how it works, though, Lottie, babes. She had to choose someone." Hope doesn't look too sorry as she adds, "I'm not feeling too sorry for you, though, Daphs. You're one of the few girls' in here who has someone who's actually so into her, and I don't think you're in trouble, so, yeah, you don't have my sympathy."

"Bit harsh, but I understand where you're coming from," Lottie says as Hope shrugs.

"Just being honest."

"So long as Daphs doesn't set her sights on Noah now, we're all sunshine and rainbows, right, Hope?"

Daphs snaps her head round to catch Lottie smirking at her as Hope scowls at them.

"Why would she do that?" Hope asks. "And it's not like he's interested either. At all."

Hannah cuts in before tensions can grow, saying, "Surely what matters now is how Daphs feels. She's like the protagonist of the whole situation!" Hannah gives Daphs a glowing look. "Priya isn't here right now. How do you really feel? Like, really, really feel?"

"I mean, we all know the game going in, don't we? It just is what it is," Daphs says. "It hasn't put a bump in the road for me and Bobby, and that's really my main thing, but again, if someone I'm talking to during the first couple of days is more interested in someone else, then who am I to get in the way?"

"I hope that isn't directed at me," Hope says bitingly.

"No," Daphs says in a low tone, "I was speaking about myself. I do that a lot. Truth be told, I do feel sorry for Priya. It's not an easy position to be in."

"Well, I'm glad we can be mature about it."

Daphs catches Lottie's eye in the mirror, and they give each other a hard stare.

Marisol holds a can of hairspray at arm's length, pouting slightly as she shields her face and sprays. "We can't afford to get salty when people are true to themselves. You want what you want. Saying or doing otherwise to protect other people doesn't change that, and your subconscious will always find a way to get it anyway, so you might as well be upfront. That's why people sleepwalk. Their sleeping mind is taking them where their waking mind won't let them go. That's why I always wake up in stationery cupboards."

Four confused faces turn to Marisol. She smiles and lets the subject go.

"I'm not big on the whole 'true to yourself' stuff," Lottie says, touching up her eyeliner. "Do you mean people should just follow their subconscious without question? That sounds selfish."

"Yeah, heroes make sacrifices for the good of others," Hannah says.

Marisol perches on the vanity, ready to explain. "I'm not saying we should be selfish. I'm saying, be fierce." She turns directly to Daphs, her arms folded and adds, "You should keep that in mind now that you're the one who's single, Daphs. You'll have to take one of our men if you don't want to get dumped."

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