Episode 88: You Have Got to be Kitten Me

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Daphs wakes, bleary eyed. Bobby is gently shaking her awake.

"Daphs," he says, his voice soft, "Daphs, sweetheart, wake up a sec."

"One sec is all you get," she replies sleepily, her voice thick with that sickly sweet high-pitched morning tone. She rubs her eyes despite the lights still being off.

Bobby lets out a chuckle. "Daphs, I've got a date."

At once, Daphs is sat up, covers held over her bare chest. "A date? With who? This early? Why?"

"A date, yeah. I don't know who with, new Islander and all that. And, yeah, this early, I've got half an hour to be ready. I dunno why, really, but the text said that the public voted me. For whatever reason."

The public? Why would the public want Bobby to go on a date with this new girl? Did ... did they not like that he and Daphs were together again?

A wave of unworthiness hits Daphs making her dizzy.

She squeezes his hand and says, eyes barely open, "You better go get dolled up, hun. Have fun. I'll be here when you get back."

He kisses her. It's long and sweet and he doesn't taste like toothpaste or tea or coffee or anything, meaning he told her right away. It's a little thing, but Daphs heart soars.

She just hopes it'll still be soaring after the date.

They both gather their clothes on. Once they're up, Bobby gathers the duvet in his hands, but he pauses, turning to Daphs and saying, "This isn't going to change anything, by the way. Some new girl coming in isn't going to sway me at this point."

Daphs smiles, reassuringly. "I know," she says, trying to alleviate any worries he might have over her.

While he puts their stuff away, Daphs slinks off into the bedroom. She's too tired to start the day, and doesn't want to doss about on her own, so decides to go to bed.

After the night she's had, crawling in next to Lucas is the last thing she wants to do, so Daphs hopes Elisa won't mind waking up with a bed buddy.

However, that proves to be unnecessary.

In the bedroom, Gary is up and half-way dressed, getting on his boots. He looks at Daphs in surprise, nearly falling over since he's only one foot on the ground.

Two dates. There are two dates. It finally clicks for Daphs.

Almost at once a smidge of relief trickles in as she realises that Bobby isn't heading out on his own. And Gary has been picked for the second girl, whoever she is.

Is this a good sign? Bobby and Gary have been in since the start, so they must have built up a fair bit of familiarity with the audience, but Lucas is the single one. Why hasn't Lucas been picked, but Gary and Bobby who are in relationships have? Granted, those relationships had broken up in the middle and they had both recently got back together. But the key words are 'back together'.

"Date?" Daphs asks as he finds his balance.

"Yeah," he says, letting out a huffy sigh. A smile plasters onto his face. "You got one?"

Daphs shakes her head. "Bobby," she tells him, pointing out the door behind them.

"Hmm," he says, sitting down on his empty bed to lace up his boots. Daphs sits next to him. "The text said the public voted. Madness. Feels weird to be going off on a date when I should be spending the morning with Lottie in the Hideaway. It's a tradition, you know? To cuddle up there and only make an appearance when you want to."

He shakes his head.

"Yeah, I won't lie, after last night, I'd been looking forward to some morning cuddles," Daphs concurs, thinking only half about the morning cuddles.

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