Episode 113: Dirty Tricks

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So, apologies about this chapter. As soon as I first started posting this fic, this was one of those moments I really wasn't sure about. Given that I've got a bit of retooling to do with the end of the series, and my mixed feelings about leaving this the way it is, ICobY was leaving me a bit flabby. SO! I spent the day working on my other fic King of the Castle, went out for dinner and had some fun, then came back feeling a lot better about this chapter.

It is what it is, and while Lottie is a demon atm, we're just here for some fun! Enjoy mwah mwah mwah!

Something gently strokes Daphs' cheek as she lays in bed.

"Daphs..." Bobby calls softly to her, planting a small kiss to her temple. "Wake up, gorgeous."

Her eyes flutter open to the dark bedroom; the curtain has been pulled open across the glass door to give a bit of light, but otherwise there's nothing. Daphs can hear the murmuring of those around her as they all gently wake up, too.

Bobby is sat up, his waist beside her head, smiling down at her while cocooning her head in his arms.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he says when he sees her eyes finally open. She groans softly, tiredly, and climbs her way to rest her head in his lap. "I made you a cuppa," he says, reaching over to pick up one of the two mugs on the bedside. He holds it by the rim with the handle pointing to Daphs.

Daphs shuffles to sit up next to him before she takes it. "Aw, thank you," she says, still leaning into him as she takes the mug off of him. He shakes his fingers once she's got a hold.

"Sorry for waking you up," he says, propping her arm around her and picking up his own mug. "I wanted to let you lie in after the recoupling last night, but I've been awake for ages, and I missed you."

She giggles. "It's that what the tea was for? So, you wouldn't feel so bad about waking me up?"

"Am I that obvious?" He laughs, burying his lips in the scruff of her bed head. He nuzzles up against her. "I'm just really glad we're solid now. We've had our ups and downs and everything, but this feels right."

Daphs wants to kiss him, but she's sleepy and can't be bothered properly moving, so just goes for the closest part of him. She lands her lips on his bicep (it's either that or his armpit and he hasn't showered).

"It'll be so weird when we're out of here and we actually get to do real life couple things," he carries on, playing with her hair as he does so. "Meet each other's mates and take turns doing the washing up. I can't wait to do all those real-life everyday things with you." He has a lock twirled around his finger. "When we get out, I want to take you on a date. Like, a proper-proper one where I can organise it all and spoil you."

"Oh my God, yeah, feel free to spoil me, Bobby, I won't complain at that."

He chuckles as he kisses her on the top of the head again. "Yeah, yeah, how did I know that you'd love that? But, yeah, your favourite kind of date, whatever that is. If it's at an art gallery, a museum, a ballet, anything I would consider boring with anyone else, I'll do it all with you. Take you to it all. Then, get you food afterwards, enough that you have to take it home with you and eat it the next day so you don't even have to cook that day either."

She's left giggling into his chest, nearly sloshing her tea out over them.

"Sounds perfect," she says, burrowing in more. "Where do I take you on your dream date, though?"

He gives an obvious shrug, replying, "To an adult ball-pool bar, of course."

"Of course."

"And we'll play hide and seek in a ball pool pit, but I'll actually lose myself and won't be able to find the surface so you'll have to swim to my rescue, and then someone will probably step on my toe, and then you'll be guided by the sounds of my cry of pain. Then, because we're such a loveable couple, we'll make friends with the toe stepper and just have a wild night with our new mate."

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