Episode: The Reunion

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Notes: The plan originally had been to write the after party, and it was the main reason I had all the Islanders come back, but everything I wanted to write could be achieved in the reunion or in my post-Villa fic that's on it's way, so I just went ahead and wrote the reunion! Hope you all enjoy!

I considered writing in Ian Sterling considering I wrote a Caroline Flack pseudonym, but didn't feel right putting my own words in his mouth since he's a real human being, so instead I wrote in 'myself' in a way. The character of Boops basically gives all my best bits, doing the segment normally reserved for Sterling, and that way I could easily segue in some top series moments 😁

ICOBY on SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4SeLdTMHr48yglDbQgHXGh?si=pKW_DUdySuqdWthhdnyNNw&utm_source=native-share-menu&nd=1



Cheering, screaming, clapping, anything to strain the vocal chords and deafen eardrums; the crowd go for it as the Flack struts through the studio at the word 'go' from the director. Only the sound of the narrator breaks through all that noise to announce, "Please welcome your host - the Flack!"

Daphs claps along with the rest in her seat at the front of the crowd of Islanders, sitting in neatly between Bobby and Chelsea. They're around one of the tiny circular tables, at the closest point to the 'staging' area. Daphs has to keep her legs tucked in so she doesn't accidentally get in the road of the camera operator as they make panning shots over the front row, ready to zoom in on whichever Islander they need to.

"Welcome, welcome, to the Love Islander Reunion!" The Flack says, speaking directly into an overhead camera as she takes her place on the stage with her cue cards. She looks as cool and glam as always. "What a summer it was, and it wouldn't have been half so entertaining without this beautiful bunch in front of me!"

Daphs claps again, going harder. Chelsea lets out a 'woo!' from her side. A cheerful Daphs turns her head, catching Bobby's eye. They both burst into huge grins at the sight of one another, Daphs even managing a laugh. When the clapping dies off, he reaches for her under the small table, placing his hand at her inner thigh. As he squeezes, squishing his fingers into her, heat rises between her legs.

They'd had to separate last night for today's events - all the final couples did - so it's been the longest they've gone without any alone time since the cameras stopping rolling. Daphs can't wait to get him back into bed tonight, but given the celebrations planned, it's going to be some time before that can happen, and even then, they're probably going to be too tired to do anything besides sleep. Ah, the hardships they must face now.

Daphs can see them all on one of the many TV's dotted around, amplifying everything for them all. The Islanders are in the 'den' area, sitting two or three around those tiny tables, with the finalists sitting front and centre, and the 'lesser' Islanders sitting further and further back.

Even farther back, behind a barrier, is a live audience up in the 'rafters', overlooking all and providing all the correct 'ohhs', 'ahhs', and 'woos' the show needs.

"Let's have a look see to who we've got," the Flack continues. They have the cameras ready, set to focus on each Islander they single out at the Flack's cue. Already the camera is in Daphs and Bobby's face. Daphs squeezes the hand clamping her thigh as the Flack shouts, "Our winners Daphs and Bobby are here!"

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