Episode 60: Casa Amor

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The sound of her phone stirs Daphs.

The lights are still out and her hands are still laced into Noah's as he presses in behind her, his hard stance having not found any release during the night. Normally Noah's snoring is a problem no matter where he is in the room, but Daphs hadn't had an issue last night.

Daphs lets go of Noah to grab her phone before it wakes the others. She scoots along the bed to for it.

The light is harsh in the dark of the bedroom, and Daphs has to squint her eyes to read, 'Daphs, today you and the girls are going on a mini-break to Casa Amor. You must all get ready and meet at the entrance without waking the boys. #catsaway #micegonnaplay'.

Daphs is still adjusting to what the text says when she hears another phone going off. Then another, and another, and another. She sees the faces of the other girls illuminated by their phone light one by one.

Chelsea's voice breaks out in the hush, asking, "What's this about then?"

Hope immediately shushes her.

Daphs catches Priya's eye over Lucas' sleeping body, the both of them staring open-mouthed at one another. Daphs eyes flick to Lucas who's snoring soundly on his back away from Priya. There's even a pillow propped up between them. Daphs tries to ignore how guilty that makes her feel.

Priya rolls out her bed on the other side of Daphs and scuttles her way over like she's a crab, almost making Daphs burst out laughing. She has to whip her hand over her mouth and nose. Priya comes up between the beds, doing her best to keep her voice quiet and not laugh herself. She reaches out for Daphs hand, saying, "Come on!"

Hope whispers out loudly in the midst of the boys snores, "Girls! Dressing room, now!"

Daphs waits for Priya to crab-walk back out the space before she commando rolls off the bed, accidentally taking the duvet with her and making a loud thump that sends the girls into stifled giggles.

Next moment, she hears Noah ask sleepily, "Oy, what's going on? Daphs?"

A giggling Priya helps Daphs bundle the duvet back onto the bed as Daphs kneels across to whisper in his ear, "Just going to the loo..."

Noah's eyes are already shut again.

She folds the duvet back over him and quietly tiptoes out before she can make any more noise.

When she joins the girls in the dressing room, they all start sniggering as a chastising Hope says, "Oh my days, Daphs, you made so much noise getting out of bed! And I thought Priya was bad ... Have you ever even tried to do something quietly?"

Daphs gives Hope a weak smile.

"Did you girls all get that text?" Chelsea asks, holding out her phone, baring the evidence.

"About the trip?" Daphs replies, coming up behind Chelsea to read it over her shoulder. "Yeah, that's the one!"

"Can you imagine all the boys' faces when they wake up without us?" Hope asks with a knowing smirk. "I wish I could see it. It's gonna be so, so funny."

Daphs asks her with a grin, "Do you think Fakub will miss you?"

As Priya and Marisol snort across the room, Lottie says, "All right, let's get ready and get out of here."

The girls get ready in total silence, their hurrying extreme enough that not even Chelsea has anything to say. Despite herself, Daphs does her best to look her best. Yeah, it's not for any of her boys, but she's heading out into new territory, a new lion's den. Looking good will help her confidence and assure her that Lucas' head won't stray while she's gone.

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