Episode 107: The Kissing Game

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Cries of 'text' ring out for a minute before a few people start asking about, "Where's Bobby and Daphs? Someone go get them!"

"We're here!" Daphs shouts down. "We're just coming down."

They try to be quick without actually having to run, neither of them letting each other go the whole way. When they get to the bedroom, Bobby wraps his arms around her waist and picks her up around the middle. Daphs drapes her arms around his neck, giggling as he carries her to the garden door.

Everyone is gathered in the kitchen already, waiting for them. The pair of them do their best to stop their giggling as every other face is as straight as can be.

"Finally," Lottie mutters with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Who got the text?" Bobby asks as he spins Daphs to face the front. He crosses his arms over her chest, holding her back to his chest, leaning his chin against the side of her head. Daphs holds his arms, the both of them making it clear that no matter what's going on, they are solid.

"I did," Hannah says, giving them a friendly smile. Clearly, whatever happened after Daphs and Bobby left, Hannah is not about to turn against them.

"What does it say? Go on," Mickey says, nudging her.

Hannah's smile turns into a smirk as she looks down at her phone. "Islanders, to raise spirits gather around the firepit to play The Kissing Game for a special reward. Hashtag, pucker up."

Well ... that's some timing.

Looks of astonishment and incredulity pass around everyone, but Daphs notes the reviling flicker Lottie shoots Daphs. Will Lottie go there with Bobby tonight? After everything? Well, one thing is for sure, that if Bobby entertains it, he might be getting a fall out after all.

A tower of large Jenga-like blocks has been laid over the closed firepit. All the bricks are painted shades of pink and purple. Behind them is a large timer and another board for them to record their score.

Daphs sits between Bobby and Chelsea, both of whom take her hand. Now with only ten Islanders, the bench is the emptiest it has been since that first day.

"Okay, so what we've got to do," Hannah says, standing by the tower block, "is pick any of these blocks, but each block has a dare of sorts written on it." She pushes out a central block near the lower half of the tower. "Now, these are mainly kissing dares and we're getting timed for them all. Our ultimate goal is to score the same or more time that's secretly in this envelope." She holds up a golden envelope. "So, say it's five minutes, thirty seconds, as an example: what we need to do to reach that is to perform these dares for as long as possible. There's a ten second pass time on each dare that we have to perform for each one, for exactly that amount of time, or those ten seconds will get deducted from our final score. Once you complete the dare, you pop the block on the top, and the next person takes their go. All clear?"

Nods all around, and Lucas asks, "So the longer we keep it up, the higher a score we'll get and we'll be more likely to win whatever prize it is?"

Hannah nods, then Gary shouts, "What's your block say?"

Hannah grins, spinning it in her fingers to read it out. "Ugh," she says, that grin dropping from her face at once, "I have to put another Islanders toe in my mouth. Revolting."

At once, everyone bursts out laughing.

"Not a chance I'm going to put one of you boys' toes in my mouth, so girls, sorry, but who has the nicest feet?" Hannah asks, going to have a scan around.

Bobby puts his arm around the back of Daphs, saying nothing, but he takes Daphs hand in his lap, squeezing her fingers. Daphs is wondering if that's him hinting at her to volunteer. She does not.

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