Episode 53: Snog, Marry, Pie

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"Guys! I've got a text!" Lottie calls out up to the guys in the kitchen. She and the other girls sit around the firepit, having just finished hearing Daphs debriefing of her night in the Hideaway, sheepishly explaining why she walked out this morning with a bit of a limp...

From the kitchen, the boys come charging down, all grinning and bounding into one another. No doubt Lucas has given them the low down on things, too...

"Islanders, it's time for a game of 'Snog, Marry, Pie'. Girls are up first, so get those rings polished, the lippy on, and the pies handy. Hashtag, I think I wanna marry you, hashtag, pie time," Lottie reads out, a little laugh to finish off.

There're whoops from the boys as they all go across the lawn, still grappling among themselves. The mood seems to be soaring a lot higher than it has in days. The girls head around the garden bar where rings are waiting, along with some pie crusts and plenty of cans of squirty cream.

The boys stand in a line, from Jakub, to Ibrahim, Bobby, Gary, Lucas, and then Noah.

"Well, this is going to be interesting," Lottie says.

"Poor Bobby, I hope he doesn't get too many pies," Priya whispers to Daphs, inciting fear in Daphs, too.

Daphs had initially been excited for the challenge, thinking only about how fun it'll be, and it surely still will be, but Daphs has some decisions to make.

There's who she wants to kiss, and who she'll have to kiss. Who she actually wants to marry, and who she'll have to make the proposal too, and who she really, really wants to pie, and who will take it best.

Truth be told, if Daphs could get away with it, she's loathe to admit she'd kiss Bobby. The only thing is that she can't kiss him like how she wants to, and she'll have to stop herself from giving him more than a peck. And if she could kiss Bobby, she'd propose to Lucas. The thought makes little hearts appear around her head.

Daphs has to kiss Lucas, though. It feels odd to pick another one of the boys to marry, but Daphs knows it's the right call in Lucas' eyes to kiss him. So, who to marry? Bobby again? Maybe not ...

Yeah, things are okay between them, but they still aren't how they used to be. They're still careful and cautious and wary about feelings. Not to mention, Daphs can't imagine how Lucas will appreciate that...

So, it has to be Noah. The thought makes her smile, and she knows he'll love it, too. Maybe he might even propose to her back, or maybe he'll save that for Hope?

In Daphs eyes, the marriage one is really the one proper couples should do to one another, but after everything that's happened with Lucas and Daphs lips on other boys ... she has to save her lips for him.

So, yeah, Noah will probably choose to marry Hope. So, maybe he'll kiss Daphs on the cheek or something instead? Daphs can't think who else Noah might share a kiss with or propose to out of her and Hope. Maybe Priya ... but that probably won't go down to well with Hope, so...

If Daphs kisses Lucas, how will she feel if he ends up kissing someone else? If it's anything on the lips, she might have a few choice words after everything they've gone through with kissing other people, but if he chose someone to give a peck on the cheek, she can live with that.

So long as he comes at her with the ring right after.

But he'll have to not choose Daphs to kiss for that. So, if he does kiss Daphs, does she really want to hear him make a proposal speech to one of the other girls?

No, but she will just have to grin and bear it.

"If no one's in a rush to start," Marisol says, striding through the chatting gaggle of girls. She stalks off towards the keenly waiting boys. "Now, who do I want to snog?"

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