Thor Odinson

Lifehouse - All That I'm Asking For

"In the still of your hands
Anything could happen now
With every beat of my heart
Love speaks in silence

In the still of your hands
Anything is possible
With every beat of my heart..."

You've seen quite a few magical places in your life, but this took the crown. It was beautiful and peaceful chaos. Things had gone so smoothly, and here you two were. Swaying around a huge ballroom floor, just the two of you dancing. You had long since forgotten that people were even around you. There was a look in his eyes that you couldn't quite place. It was almost a mix of things, but most of all, it was the feeling of love you got from them. You couldn't change anything you've done in your life because it leads you here to him.

Loki Laufeyson

Blue October - 18th Floor Balcony

"And I knew it from the start
So my arms are open wide
Your head is on my stomach
And we're, we're trying so hard not to fall asleep
Here we are
On this 18th floor balcony
We're both, flying away..."

You had initially assumed that he would have made things a little more... interesting. You could see the mischief behind his green eyes, but nothing had happened. Here you were, dancing alone with him. It was only the two of you on the floor. Back and forth you two swayed, gentle and peaceful. The feeling of peace was so foreign to you both that it was like water washing over you. There was a smile shining in his eyes because he was trying to keep one from his lips. Ever the stoic one, after all. You could tell, though, he was beyond happy.

Clint Barton

Goo Goo Dolls - All That You Are

"I feel wrong, I'm so human and flawed
I'll break down even though I'm still strong
And time will make fools of us all
Build us up and then laughs when we fall

You pull me through
When I'm alone in the dark
And the fear is my truth..."

Dancing wasn't something you were great at, to be honest. You were nervous, and Clint could tell. So, he promised to lead the dance. It wasn't so much with his words as it was his actions. You followed his movements slowly, and before long, you had caught onto the rhythm. While you were dancing, you could see the smile on his face and the joyful look in his eyes as he leads you around. He was enjoying himself, you could tell, and it made you happy. You were beyond the moon with happiness. You wouldn't forget this moment or this feeling.

James "Bucky" Barnes

Russell Dickerson - Yours

"I came to life when I first kissed you
The best me has his arms around you
You make me better than I was before
Thank God I'm yours
The worst me is just a long-gone memory
You put a new heartbeat inside of me
You make me better than I was before..."

You could tell that Bucky was nervous about being in front of the small crowd of people. So, you lead him. He was a talented dancer; you knew that, but he was nervous now and needed a little help. Without words, but with a bright smile, you danced with him. Suddenly, it was only you two. The people faded, and you could feel him relax into the motion. A smile tugging at his lips as you watched him finally let go and enjoy himself. You could practically feel the happiness and peace radiating off of him. Or that could have been you, you were unsure, but you didn't care. You were happy. He was happy. That is all you could have ever wanted in the world.

Sam Wilson

Heatwave - Always and Forever

"Always and forever, each moment with you
Is just like a dream to me that somehow came true
And I know tomorrow will still be the same
'Cause we've got a life of love that won't ever change and..."

Sam could see that you were nervous about dancing in front of the people around you now. He wasn't wrong; you were afraid. You took his hand and trusted his lead. Gently, and in pace with the music, you two swayed around the room. It wasn't sudden, but you noticed how easy it was to forget the surrounding people. You watched him smile and mouth how proud he was of you. You saw a pleasant shine in his eyes that you wanted to see every day. Forever. You couldn't help the goofy, child-like smile that came to your face as you saw his smile.

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