Doll Making

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Fanart by @SORAAAIRO on twitter. Great fanart by the way.

Published: April 4th 2021

So Tubbo decides to make dolls for everyone.

Tubbo has his canonical goat horns and ears. Also Dream and Tubbo do be brothers in this story.

No wars have happened, the entire server is just one big happy family, just as Dream wanted :)

Which means that none of the old houses have been destroyed, such as Tubbo's old house, and the newer houses that were built around, like Puffy's, will be there.

Tubbo has been cooped up in his house for awhile. To be honest, he's been working hard on something for the entire server for several days. Dream, being Tubbo's older brother and being a guardian of the server, noticed this and decided to check up on him.

"Hey Tubbo?" Dream called as he knocked on the door.

Dream heard a bit of shuffling around before the door opened revealing a smiling Tubbo.

"Dream? Do you need something?" Tubbo asked, tilting his head.

"No, I just wanted to check up on you. I haven't seen you around in a few days," Dream replied.

Tubbo made an 'o' face as he giggled a little, "sorry if I worried you Dream. I was working on something."

Dream raised a brow, "oh? Mind showing me?"

Tubbo's eyes sparked with excitement, "yeah! I'm done anyways so I was going to show everyone!"

Tubbo lead Dream into his house and they went up stairs. Dream looked and saw a bunch of yarn in a chest. Tubbo showed interest in knitting or sewing in the past, but Dream never thought he would actually do anything about it. Tubbo opened a chest and then brought out a white knitted object. Tubbo, with and excited, held it out to Dream.

Dream smiled and took it. It looked like... a white blob with a smile on it. It was how Tubbo drew him when they were kids. Dream's heart melted at the memories and he looked back at Tubbo who had a huge smile on his face.

"So?! How do you like it?!" Tubbo asked, clearly excited for any kind of feedback to increase his skill.

Dream then hugged the younger, "I love it! You even made the eyes round like in your old drawings!"

Tubbo hugged his brother back, "yeah! I thought you would like it since it would remind you of back then. I'm really glad you like it!"

Dream hugged his brother tighter, "you're so nice! Thanks so much Tubs!"

Tubbo giggled, "no problem."

After a minute, Dream let go of Tubbo and looked at the blob doll with wonder. Every knit was put together with so much care, no wonder Tubbo wasn't coming out of his room. The something clicked in Dream's head.

"You said you wanted to give something to the whole server... are you tell me you made things like this for everyone?!" Dream asked, astonished.

Tubbo rubbed the back of his head and nodded, "I really liked knitting and I wanted to make something for everyone since they're all really nice."

Dream's smile never fell, "thanks Tubs. I'm sure they'll all appreciate it. They're well made as well. Take all the time you need. I'll tell Tommy that your doing ok."

Tubbo chucked, "Tommy's worried about me?"

"Well yeah," Dream flat out said like it was completely obvious, "he's your best friend right? A lot of us were worried about you."

Tubbo smiled at the thought of people worried for him. Feeling cared for didn't always come to him, so when he heard that a lot of people cared about his well being, he was really happy.

"There's no need to tell them, Dream! I already finished making these dolls for everyone on the SMP!" Tubbo said as he gestured to the chest that had Dream's in it.

"Well, then get some sleep. I can see those bags growing under your eyes," Dream teased.

Tubbo sighed, "after I show everyone, ok?"

Dream rolled his eyes, "deal. Just make it fast."

Dream walked out of Tubbo's house and Tubbo put the dolls in his inventory and started off to the closest house.

He gave the dolls to everyone along the prime path and they all were completely thankful. Tubbo smiled as everyone was happy when they got theirs. Tubbo had two more to give out.

Tommy and Ranboo.

They were Tubbo's best friends, but they get jealous of him hanging out with the other easily. So, the issue was who to give the doll to first.

Tubbo ended up contacting them both to meet up by the bench. Tubbo sat there waiting patiently before he noticed two people staring at each other then at Tubbo.

Tubbo took a deep breath before looking at the two taller teens who were pretty much glaring at each other.

"Hey guys," Tubbo said with a smile.

"Hey Tubbo!" Ranboo greeted with the same positivity.

"So what did you call me, or us, here?" Tommy asked, wanting to get straight to the point.

Tubbo took another deep breath, "well, I made you both something and I wanted to give it to you..."

"Really? You didn't have to," Ranboo responded.

"What is it?" Tommy asked as he crossed his arms.

Tubbo smiled nervously and handed them both dolls of themselves and dolls of him, "here! I don't know if you'll like them.. and it's ok if you don't! But I made them because it was fun and since you both are my best friends I gave you both one of me!"

Ranboo's face showed visible happiness while Tommy was trying and failing to hide his, but they were both not very happy about the other being a best friend as well. They didn't hate each other, it was more like a fun little rivalry.

"Thanks so much Tubbo! I love it!" Ranboo exclaimed as his tail wagged.

"Thanks Bubs... it's really nice," Tommy mumbled out.

Tubbo's smile brightened as he pulled them both into a hug, "I'm really glad you both like them!"

Tommy leaned his head on Tubbo's as Ranboo hugged back. Tubbo smiled and hugged them both tighter. He loved it when they could get along for at least one thing, and if it was something that Tubbo made, it made him feel a whole lot more better.

"Thanks so much Tubbo, I love it," Ranboo said as his tail continued to wag in happiness.

Tubbo broke the hug and saw as both of them admiring the dolls. Tubbo giggled.

"So this is what you've been up to these past days?" Tommy questioned with a raised brow.

"Yeah. Worth it though. It made both of you guys smile!" Tubbo cheered.

Ranboo giggled, "all right, all right. But you need to sleep. It looks like you haven't slept at all in days."

Tubbo nodded, "right. Well then, I'm off to bed. Thanks for letting me give those to you and thanks for liking them."

Ranboo and Tommy waved Tubbo goodbye before heading off in their different directions.

Tubbo walked to his house with a yawn. Tubbo walked to his bedroom upstairs and jumped in the bed, snuggling up against the blankets. He hugged his bee plush and drifted off to sleep with a smile and one thought in his head.

As long as I can make others happy, then I'm happy.

Bench trio content? Yes please. I probably won't do it often though lol.

I hope you enjoyed this never the less :D

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