Villain Arc

720 33 6

Fanart by @bluebirbb_

Made: March 30th 2022
Published: April 29th 2022



Does c!Aimsey deserve this? No. But they just got the bad end of the stick :>



Sometimes, one just zones out.

Can you blame him though? He's been through quite a bit in the past months. He lost his husband, his son, and part of his sanity. Maybe the rest of it.

No one seems to have time for him, not that he believes he deserves it anyway. It be like that sometimes.

But besides that, he noticed a person standing next to him and trying to push him out of the farm he was currently standing still at. He doesn't exactly remember anything of how he got there or of why before he noticed that he was in an XP farm.

So he did what any logical person would do and pushed the person away until they fell off the edge.

(Roll with this)

Obviously, the person had armor on and didn't die during the fall. However, practically all of their stuff fell off them during the fall and Tubbo, being the person he is, picked it all up.

The person who fell was Aimsey, one of the newer people to the server. How stupid of them to willingly join hell on earth, but that was their choice to make.

Since the fall was a bit and obviously hurt, she had to get deal with her pain. In that chance, the brunette decided to just put their stuff away in a chest, but saw a daisy in there. He decided to keep it because why not.

Then he decided to put on all his armor and hold his sword menacingly. It was about time he could mess around with someone.

"Your stuffs in the chest."

The bunny hybrid started laughing, "you're a dick."

"It was funny," the younger justified.

"You weren't speaking or moving, so I just decided to try to move you so I could get some XP and you push me off!"

"You punched me! I had a proportionate response."

Besides, it's not wise to mess with the instincts of a child solider. They grow up being use to a lot of weird shit.

"IT WAS NOT A PROPORTIONATE RESPONSE! I was wearing diamond armor and I was not a threat!"

Everyone's a threat here...

"You were a threat. In the same way the US government misplaced millions of dollars."

"In— what does that mean?!" She responded while gathering her things.

The taller did nothing but laugh.

"What does that mean?! Where's my daisy?"

"Oh," he brought it out, "it's here. Oxeye Daisy. Can I keep it?"

"No! That's mine," they laughed as they reached for it.

Oh, this'll be fun.

"I think I'll keep it," he said as he quickly placed it in his enderchest.

"No it's mine! What the fuck?! Nonono no no no. That's— no. Nononono."

"It seems important, I think I'll keep it."

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