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Fanart by, I HAVE NO IDEA. Found this on the internet :]

Made: March 26th 2021
Published: May 13th 2021

So basically, SBI family and Schlatt is Dream and Tubbo's father. The SBI family comes over and they have a play date. The kids haven't met each other yet so introvert Tubbo :)

Basically Schlatt had Dream and Tubbo and their mother left because she didn't want to take care of them. He was able to survive with the help of his friend Phil to get a job, but not he can do everything on his own. Dream is a human, he got most of their mother's nature as he was green eyed and blonde. Tubbo looked more like Schlatt with his brown hair, and he got the genes of being a ram. Tubbo's eyes were a mixture of Schlatt's and his mother's. Greyish, greenish, brownish eyes. Yeah that pretty much it.

"Kids, a friend and his sons are coming over today. You haven't met them before, so be good," Schlatt told his parents.

The two siblings were sitting in the living room, coloring. Tubbo held a bee plush.

"Other people? Are the kids around our age?" Dream asked.

Schlatt nodded. Tubbo hid his face in his bee plush more. He wasn't a very social person. He was a quiet person, only really talked to his father and brother. He was always like that. Dream normally spoke for him as he hid behind his older brother. The 4 year age difference got in the way though since it stopped Dream from always being around his younger brother.

"Tubbo, it's ok if you don't feel like talking to them. Okay? I'm not pressuring you to. Just be good, alright?" Schlatt explained as he put his hand on the small brunette's head.

Tubbo smiled and nodded, "ok papa..."

Dream smiled and patted his brothers head before they got up to clean up. Schlatt smiled at his sons and helped them clean up the house.

About an hour later, the doorbell rang. Schlatt went to open it as his sons were around the corner. Dream wearing his mask and Tubbo hugging his plush, hiding behind his older brother.

"Hello again, mate," a blond with a green outfit said as he walked in with 3 kids behind him.

Two of them looked around Dream's age, and one of them looked around Tubbo's. Tubbo hid more behind his brother, nervous to actually speak to them.

"Hey Phil, it's great to see you again," Schlatt said with a smile.

Techno raised a brow at Dream, but looked over back at his dad.

"Boys," Schlatt looked over to his sons, "come here."

Dream walked up to them awhile Tubbo trailing behind him.

"These are my kids. Dream and Tubbo," Schlatt said as he motioned to both.

"Great to meet you two. These are my sons, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy," Phil said as his hand was being tugged on by a blonde with blue eyes.

Schlatt and Phil told their kids to play nice with each other, and walked off into the kitchen.

"So, Dream huh?" Wilbur asked as he looked at the green boy.

"Yeah, what of it?" Dream asked.

"What's with the mask?" Techno questioned.

Dream shifted his weight on his leg as he felt his younger brother hide more behind him, "don't like people seeing my face."

Tommy was looking around the house before he noticed the small brunette behind Dream. He pretty much bounced over to the smaller with excitement of seeing someone that looks around his age.

"Hi! I'm Tommy!" Tommy grinned.

Tubbo waved back and his more in his brothers hoodie. Dream smiled and patted the smaller's head.

"He's Tubbo. Not much of a talker," Dream explained.

"Is there a reason for that?" Wilbur asked.

"He's just antisocial," Dream said as the small blonde looked up at him.

Dream and the other two around his age began talking as Tommy tried to get Tubbo to talk, but all he got out were nods. Tommy dragged Tubbo over to the living room and they sat down on the floor near the table that Tubbo and his older brother were previously drawing on.

"You're scared around others right? Then it could just be the two of us! It's nice to meet someone my age!" Tommy said as he plopped next to the brunette.

Tubbo nervously fiddled with the plushie of a bee. Tubbo didn't really talk to others around his age. But for some reason, he wanted to open up to the blonde next to him.

"Y-yeah... I... guess..." Tubbo said softly.

Tommy grinned, "yay! You talked!"

Tubbo giggled quietly and nodded. They started to get along. The other kids were talking whole Tommy talked to Tubbo. The two kids got very close honestly.

"Can I touch your horns?!" Tommy asked excitedly.

Tubbo brought the bee plush closer and nodded as he slightly lowered his head. Tommy then tapped the horn.

"They're so cool!" Tommy exclaimed.

Tubbo smiled, "t-thanks...."

They drew, they played a little, Tubbo even showed Tommy his small little bee plush collection. Tommy was interested on why the brunette liked bees so much, but didn't really question it.

Tubbo made a friend. Tubbo hasn't done this before, he was new to the full experience. Tubbo liked having a friend. Someone close to him as much as Dream or his father were.

It was sad when they had to go back home. Schlatt waved goodbye at the family and they left to their home. Schlatt looked at his sons.

"How'd you like them? They're pretty much family friends.

Dream smiled and moved his mask to the side, "they're interesting, but fun.""

"I see," Schlatt looked at his youngest, "and you, Tubbo?"

Tubbo looked at his bee plush before looking back up to his father, "c-can they... come over again...?"

Schlatt was suprised by the request. Tubbo wasn't one to want to talk to people, so this was new. Schlatt nodded.

"Of course they'll be here against. They're good friends of mine."

Dream smiled at his younger brother digging into the bee plushie.

"They're really fun..."

Schlatt patted his son's head, "I'm happy you think so. So you're friends with them?"

Tubbo smiled softly and nodded, "T-Tom... he's fun...!"

Schlatt nodded, "I see. They'll be coming over again soon, so you don't have to wait long before they come back."

Tubbo's smile brightened as he nodded, excited to see his new friend. Dream was happy his little brother was opening up to someone else. Schlatt was happy that both of their sons were getting along well with his friend's sons.

The next play date will be more fun for all of them.

Just a little short story I made :]

I hope you liked it

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