It was a funny, but not anymore

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Fanart by @chocojincake on twitter

Made: March 9th 2022
Published: April 12th 2022

Tubbo married Ranboo for the money right? It was a joke right?

Now that Tubbo lives with his dead husband's riches... but money is the last thing on his mind.

"I don't really need a bed, I'm dead after all," the ghost spoke.

Tubbo didn't reply, he didn't feel like talking. He's just had to deal with so much recently, why is this happening now?

"I'm dead, so do I even need to sleep? I'm not sure. I can just live a hole in the ground. It'd be pretty fitting, don't you think?"

The brunette nodded slightly. No voice wanted to be heard. He saw his son look up at him concerned, but the adult didn't say anything to get the worry away. He didn't feel like it, he had a right to be emotionally drained right now.

The ghost was void of concern showing for him like to use to. It was... odd.

That undead spirit wasn't his husband, it couldn't be.

That wasn't the man that he fell in love with. Wasn't the one who he adopted Micheal with.

That wasn't Ranboo, it would never be.

Tubbo lifted up his son and placed him on the bed. The pigmen looked at him and tilted his head at his papa. The goat forced up a strained smile.

"I'll be back, Bug. Okay?"

The kid let out a snort in response before getting under the blankets. What the brunette would give to be blissfully unaware of the situation they were in.

The goat went downstairs and then down the latter. The ghost was in the bottom floor and looking at Enderchest hopping around the the chests. He had forgot about the animals that his love owned. What if he never came here? Would they... go with him in the after life?

He'd never be able to forgive himself for letting innocent creatures die more than he already has.

"Hi Bee!" The ghost spoke cheerfully, "how are you? Are you still wallowing around in self pity? You should stop that, it's not healthy. Besides, death is great! It's peaceful I'd say."

The young adult looked at the spirit through his hair with a empty expression. He didn't need this right now.

He strolled over to a lever and hit it. The familiar sound of pistons opening up a wall and he went in. The ghost seemed to follow behind him. Even though it wasn't his husband anymore, they still looked alike. So they probably had similar instincts, and he knows that the older was always happy to walk around with him wherever.

He'll miss that...

The brown haired walked over to the familiar chest full of emeralds as the memory of when he, Phil, and the now dead young adult were in there and he tried to take them.

He looked around at the totems on the walls, there seemed to be less than what he was use to seeing when he first came in here. Every time he did, they seemed to shrink.

What the hell was he doing that make him use up so much?

"Experiments went pretty well, I think," the multicolored ghost spoke.

The brunette turned to them and tilted his head. His chest felt vacant every time he even looked at the ghost, so there were no emotions to hide.

"Well, alive me use to experiment on himself! He got water and splashed it on him to see what would happen! And for his enderwalk thing, god he's an idiot!"

Sadly, that was something that they both could agree on.

Why would he test himself and not tell Tubbo? The brunette knew they had their secrets, but he couldn't helped. Hell, when Snowchester was starting up, he was the first to do an experiment on the dual colored! He could've helped at least at something!

That would be invading on his husband's privacy though.

It would've saved him though.

It's to late for that now.

The brunette placed his hand on the totems, walking along as he felt each one that was founded by his lover.

"Since your dead... does that mean I legally get all your money now...?"

The ghost tilted his head at the question, "well, I guess? It would technically be mine since I am Ranboo, but I don't have a need for money! Do whatever makes you happy and stop frowning! We're together again and with our son, we can be happy!"

He hates how much those words sounded like his Boo. The voices were still the same.

It's funny though, isn't it?

They got married for taxes, the countless jokes of killing the other for his money, just the idea of them getting a divorce and he'll take the riches.

They were all jokes.

They were suppose to be funny.

But this...?

This was one of the most twisted jokes he's been a part of.

It's not funny.

Not in the slightest.

Poor Tubbo :(

Hope you liked this

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