Bonding time

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Fanart by @Cassielynz on Deviant Art according to google

Published: March 25th 2021

So Tommy is trying to get Tubbo to come out of his shell and talk to the others instead of just him.

•Mentions of Abuse
•Light swearing


"Come on, Tubs! You need to talk to them! They're our family!" Tommy said as he was trying to push Tubbo off the bed.

Tubbo wouldn't leave the bed and shook his head, "nuuuu.... you can talk to them for me. I don't wanna talk to people..." (Relatable).

"You have to! You'll see them everyday! You live with us now!" Tommy said as he sat in front of Tubbo.

Tubbo rolled over to look at Tommy, "do I have to...?"

Tommy nodded excitedly, "hell yeah!"

Tubbo sighed as he got up. Tommy smiled and pumped his fist in the air. Tubbo giggled.

"So. How do you talk to people...?" Tubbo asked nervously.

"Your doing it right now! Now, you just need to do it with dad, Will, and Techno!" Tommy answered excitedly.

Tubbo looked down, "they aren't going to... to yell at me for talking to them.. right...? They're not going to... hit me... right..?"

Tommy's smile slightly fell. Tubbo told him that his dad use to hit him when he did something wrong.

"I promise they won't. Not everyone is like that, ok Tubbo?" Tommy said as he grabbed Tubbo's hands to comfort him.

Tubbo smiled a little and nodded, "ok... so how do we do this..?"

Tommy grinned, "we go and you give them hugs if you don't want to talk! Or just try to respond to them if they ask anything!"

Tubbo looked down and nodded slightly. Tommy gave Tubbo a quick hug.

"You got this Bubs!"

Tubbo's nervous smile grew slightly confident as he nodded. Tommy brought Tubbo downstairs and looked for the first person for Tubbo to have social interactions with. (I feel so bad for Tubbo rn. Good luck soldier o7)

Tommy immediately saw Phil in the kitchen and dragged Tubbo over to with him. Phil noticed them and smiled at them.

"Hey kids, what are you guys up to?" Phil said as he was finishing the dishes.

Tommy looked at Tubbo expectedly. Tubbo slightly gulped before looking up at Phil.

"T-tommy... wants m-me to get c-closer... t-to you g-guys..." Tubbo said slowly.

Phil looked at Tubbo surprised, but quickly gained his composure and smiled at Tubbo.

"Well, talking to others is a thing you need to learn as you grow up. So I'm happy you're trying now."

Tubbo looked down as he fiddled with his fingers. He was slightly scared of saying the wrong thing, but Tommy was cheering him on and making sure he was safe. So Tubbo continued to try.

"Y-yeah..." Tubbo said as his voice got slightly smaller.

Phil noticed that Tubbo was extremely nervous. He squatted down to Tubbo's height and smiled softly at him.

"Hey, take your time. I'm not expecting you to be fast about this. It's a new experience for you. I'll give you space and time until you're comfortable, alright?" Phil said in a comforting tone.

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