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Fanart by @heliiiodor on twitter

Made: March 19th 2022
Published: April 19th 2022

Tubster gets sick and Ranbus takes care of him like a good hubby.

Ranboo yawned as he woke up. He rubbed his eyes and then noticed there was a heat on his chest. He looked down to see his beloved cuddled into him. He smiled at the smaller.

Normally the younger is up before him, maybe the other is awake right now? Honestly, the enderman didn't want to move. His husband was so warm, seemed so comfortable, it was almost criminal to disturb the peace.

But he sadly had to, they had things they needed to do. Life unfortunately doesn't give them time to completely relax.

"Bee," he spoke softly, "you need to wake up."

The smaller just groaned and pushed his face further into the older's chest.

The action caused the taller's heart to warm, "honey, c'mon... you said you wanted to continue working on your farms, right?"

The shorter groaned once again, "nooooooo.... I'm coolldddddddddddd n' you're warrrrrrmmm..."

The multicolored sighed, "Bee, please. We need to get working."

The brunette shook his head, "noooooooo."

"Love, c'mon. We need to get up."


The dual colored smiled while getting up, the goat's face flopped into the pillow. Now that he got up, he saw his husband wrapped around in blankets, but also sweating a lot.

"Hey Bee, you feeling alright?"

The shorter groaned again and sat up slowly, looking down as his hair covered his face. "S' bright..."

The older walked over to the windows and closed the curtains. They normally liked looking at the snow fall on the floor at night and just forgot to close the curtains again.

"Are you okay though, Bee? You don't sound good..."

"Are you saying you don't like me voice...? Man.." his voice was hoarse though.

"No, I'm not— can you look at me really quickly...?"

The brunette looked up, hair falling sideways and showed his face. He was flushed and sweating, but was wrapping the blankets around him more.

The split-toned put a hand to his forehead and was worried to how warm his husband was, "Bee, you're burning up..."

"But I'm so cold...." he mumbled.

"... Did you do anything yesterday that would make you be sick?"

"No? Nothing I can remember," his words were slurred together.

"You were probably working out in the snow for to long..."

"...Maybe. Oh well, it doesn't matter," the shorter sighed as he got off the bed, "got shit to do or whatever..."

"No, Bee, you need to rest," the taller grabbed the other's hand.

"Nah, s' chill Boo. I've worked through stuff like this before. I can handle it—" he was picked up at that moment by the other.

"Nope! You're going back to bed. I'll deal with the stuff around the house and you can work on your farm once you're feeling better."

"But I've handled it before—"

"I don't care if you can deal with it, you're not going to. Hate to break it to you Tubbo, but we're not in a situation where the weight of a nation is on your back anymore. No need for the tough act and allow yourself to relax for once, okay?"

The brunette sighed as he was plopped on the bed. He was tired anyway.


He got back in the blankets, he was cold anyway.

"Just don't put your feet under the blankets if you're gonna have them," the older spoke.

That caused the shorter to groan, "but my feet are the coolldddeeeeeeeeesttttt."

"I know, Bee. But y'know how body heat and all works. It'll help you not be sick for long. I'll go get you some food and you can rest for the day. I'll take care of all that I can by myself."

The goat yawned and snuggled into the blankets, "just don't overwork yourself...."

"I won't. I'll wake you up when I come back with the food."

"You better."

Writing beeduo fluff, feeling good.

Hope you liked it

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