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Fanart by @Ao7O7_ on twitter

Made: March 27th 2022
Published: April 23rd 2022

So this is a moonbloom!Tubbo au.

I'm trying to give a logical explanation on the flowers that Tubbo put on his skin when they rescued Micheal. Roll with it if it doesn't make sense.

Moonbloom is a moobloom, but how I read it wrong in case you didn't know.

The flowers have always been there.

He's had them for as long as he could remember.

His horns however? No. They grew in at the worst possible time in his life.

But the flowers have always been there. Surviving through the tough times that the person who had them has been through.

Tubbo's been through a lot in his life.

Honestly, no one should ever have to go through what he has, but the world is unfair. Even the god the the world is a massive bitch. So there was no fairness.

Everyone had a bad life. That's just kinda how it was.

The flowers have always been attached to him since before he even joined L'manburg for the first time. They were on him during his earliest memory when he was in a box.

He's tried taking them off before, but they just hurt to remove. So he gave up after he pulled on off his arm and it left a scar there. It bled for awhile, but the flower grew back. It was an odd experience.

They are multiple colors on him. Usually pink, but there were lots of colored flowers on him. It was never one solid color.

That was until recently.

Despite life being unfair, he was blessed with someone who would love him. Someone who would do anything for him. As well as a son.

He got a family.

Not one that just took him in and didn't even do anything to treat him like family, it was an actual one.

He should've realized it was to good to be true.

He was told by his executor, and once brother in some sort of way, that his husband was dead. Not only that, but his son went missing.

They luckily got the child back, but his husband? The one he loved ever so much and never really had a chance to embrace it properly is dead. Dead forever? Who knows. But the enderman hybrid is going through a time of loneliness and perhaps pain in his limbo while Tubbo was alive and barely at it.

He already have a struggle with keeping himself healthy. Keeping himself alive. But now? He barely wanted to do anything. He lost feelings and felt totally helpless, even after he got his son back.

That's when the once colorful flowers turned white.

It was to represent the numbness that he felt, the emptiness he felt.

His son wasn't happy to see the once pretty flowers on his papa had lost all color. Some part in the baby pigmen's mind understood that it meant his papa wasn't happy, but what could he do about it? He could barely talk!

The brunette didn't smile at him that much, when he did it looked fake. He notices that his papa just sits in a place and cries. No noise, just tears falling down as he sat motionless.

Not only that, but the moonbloom hybrid had forced himself to work. There was so much to get done, he said. So much that he didn't notice before.

The flowers were void of color and shriveling up.

The ghostly presence of his once alive husband didn't make him feel any better.

It was only a matter of time before Tubbo joined his husband in the afterlife.

I love the flowers that Tubbo put on his skin, personally. They're very cute.

Hope you enjoyed

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