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Fanart by @Rheatan_art on twitter

Made: September 25th 2021
Published: December 19th 2021

Takes place before Ranboo died lmao

•Mentions of suicide
•Mentions of abuse
•Murder threats


The bee loving teen was in a field of flowers. Tulips of all colors surrounded him. It was beautiful.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A soft voice spoke behind him.

He turned around to see his beloved husband standing.

"Yeah, it's really pretty," the smaller looked back at the field.

"Sucks that you don't deserve it, huh?"

... "What?" The brunette turned to look up at the enderman who held an expression he never had before.

"After all the people who left you, who betrayed you, who just hated you for no reason. You should just realize that your existence just isn't worth it," the taller spat.

"Wha.." the younger stepped back from the other, "Boo...?"

"Especially how your dad treated you? You think that you'd at least realize that nobody will actually love you," the dual colored said with a fake ass smile.

"How did you..." the smaller's voice trailed off.

How did his husband find out about his dad...? He never told him anything about that...

"Y'know, I don't even know why I even thought that I loved you," he laughed out, "honestly, you're a terrible person. Always have been, always will be."

Well, the brunette always told himself that... but hearing his beloved say that... hurt him more than it ever did when he told himself that.

"Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, Techno, how did any of them put up with you? No wonder your dad wanted to get rid of you as a kid. I would too. In fact," the enderman glared at him, "I can just leave you whenever I want right? Getting a divorce is a pretty easy thing to do when neither of the people love each other."

"W-what...? Boo, I..." the shorter wanted to say the words, but they wouldn't fall out of his mouth.

Why... why is this happening?

"You what? Never loved me? Yeah, I know. You just used me as one of your little projects to get over your own goddamn grief. Honestly, how selfish can you get? So many people have it worse, yet you can't treat people as actual people and use them for your own health. You're more of a manipulator than Dream himself," the multicolored teen's glare grew sharper.

"Boo..." Tubbo's voice was failing him.

"All you do is cause people harm, you know. You never tried to help Wilbur out once when he was going insane even though you knew it. During the entire time, you heard him go slowly more and more insane and you did nothing to help," the enderman spoke sharply.

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