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Fanart by @senphires on twitter

Made: December 20th 2021
Published: February 6th 2022

I still miss the Manberg era. Before Techno killed Tubbo :(

This is based off of that

Tubbo sighed as he picked up a pretty red poppy from the ground. He's been collecting them, not sure for how long or really why the hell he started but was fine with it. After listening to Tommy and Techno ramble away at whatever, he was just zoning out.

Honestly, it's been quite stressful since they've been exiled. They being Tommy and Wilbur. It hasn't even been that long, but it was still stressful for the brunette. So being able to kid off with them, and even Quackity joining at some time, was fun.

Now he just wanted to relax, but it was hard when your best friend was loud as hell. He didn't mind normally, at the moment he didn't really mind. Just him wanting to relax and loudness don't really mix well. When he suggested going to look for flowers, he wasn't joking. He wanted to do something that would make his blond friend calm down but unwinding and enjoying nature wasn't really his strong suit. The goat should've known that.

He just decided to just pick up poppies absently minded. Zoning out every now and then from the blond's words. The taller teen rambling off about something to their older brother. Well, more of Tommy's elder brother than the goat's, but still.

They were originally supposed to be doing something with some item that the younger teen wanted, but at this point the brunette forgot what it was. Just wanting peace.

"Still want the flowers by the way, Tubbo?"

He looked up at the pink haired who spoke, "huh?"

"Dandelions. Wan' em'?" He questioned again.

"Oh, sure."

The older teen didn't really know what he was going to do with them. Schlatt wasn't very fond of him having nice things for some weird reason. Maybe he'll just put them around the white house and see how that'll do since he won't own them.

"We should head back to Pogtopia, blade. Wil's gonna get worried if we're not back before night," the younger teen spoke.

"Well, mostly for you. I can take care of myself," the adult spoke.

"Wha-?! I'm a big man, blade! I can take care of myself too!" The blond defended.

The shortest of them rolled his eyes at their antics. It was getting late though, Quackity probably is getting back to work. They had most of the day off today, even though it's only been a few days since Schlatt became "emperor" of the newly renounced Manberg, they still have work to do. Tubbo didn't have that much to do when he was treasury for Wilbur, so it was a change of pace. But it helped him not think about what situation he was in.

"You should still head back, big T. Wouldn't wanna worry Wil," the brunette spoke.

"Tubz! Why you takin' the blades side!" The taller teen put a hand on his chest to signal betrayal dramatically.

"M'not taking his side, I'm being reasonable. Wil gets pretty protective in situations like this, wouldn't wanna worry him, would we?"

The blond grumbled in response. The pig hybrid rolled his eyes at this, and they both began to walk off, leaving the smallest of them behind. Not like they wanted to, they had to.

Tubbo sighed as he went to his house that he builds awhile back. The one on the dock. He just sat on his bed with the flowers he picked, and the one's Techno gave him in his hands.

Maybe one day they'll actually go flower collecting. It seems that his best friend is trusting the pink haired adult, so he will as well. He'll see the words Schlatt gave him as a lie about him. Maybe it was to get a reaction out of him to see if he was still connected with the now exiled of the lands.

That wouldn't surprise him if that were the case. The new president acted like someone who'd do that. He'll need to be more on his guard now.

He got up and put the flowers in a vase. Not sure why he had a random one on the floor, but he didn't question it. He hasn't needed to use this house in a while, mostly living with Tommy throughout his times back when the land was called L'manburg.

He hopes that those times are reachable.

Lol they aren't.

Anyway, there was no solid plot for this so my bad. I wrote something tho so yay.

Hope you liked the randomness ig

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