Raised that way.

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Fanart by @vonstella_ on twitter

Made: March 18th 2021
Published: May 5th 2021

(So Tommy announced that lore was gonna start going down soon. So when that happens, ig I'll be doing daily updates. Oh god)

As a tubbo apologist, I apologize for all of his actions. Yes, I mean A. L. L.

The picture should give you a hint at what I'm going towards. This story takes place after Foolish threatened to quit building.

Tubbo watched as Foolish began building the mansion again. He honestly felt really bad, he thought that he was just messing around. His whole life he's been taught to use weapons, his family even used them playfully. He didn't know any better.

But apparently that wasn't normal to anyone. Whenever he shot a bow at Foolish, he always made sure that it would never actually hit him. It would just get his armor, but he would never actually try to hurt Foolish.

Tubbo took a deep breath. At the moment, Ranboo was with Techno and Phil, so he could do this alone. Apologizing for hurting others, even if it was just playful, always made Tubbo nervous. It's a part of the social anxiety he has that he could never just shake off.

Tubbo walked up to Foolish who held an unamused expression as he looked at the teen.

"Do you need something Tubbo?"

Tubbo nodded, "u-uh... yeah... I wanted to um... I wanted to say sorry for shooting you... I didn't exactly know that you weren't fine with it..."

"Who would be fine with being shot at?"

Tubbo rubbed his arm, "I was raised with Technoblade, Foolish. All of us were taught how to use weapons... so we practiced a lot where we use weapons as messing around..."

Foolish opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it.

"Fair," Foolish admitted.

Tubbo smiled, "thanks for understanding... u-uh... for an apology... I wanted to give you something..."

"Oh, no that's ok-"Foolish was cut off.

"N-no! No, I insist... I know I don't have as much as Ranboo but..." Tubbo took out 10 blocks of gold from his enderchest, "hopefully this is ok..."

Foolish gladly accepted the gift, "thanks Tubbo! Extra pay!"

Tubbo smiled and nodded, "a-again, sorry for that... I didn't know... b-but, if I ever go mining again, w-which I do plan to, I'll try t-to find more gold for y-you..."

Foolish smiled in appreciation, "thanks Tubbo."

Tubbo nodded, "w-well... I'll be off then... i-if you need help with building, I know a bit... so you can ask me for help if you'd like..."

Foolish nodded and watched as the small teen left and went into his house, most likely to check up on his adopted son. Foolish shifted his weight to his other leg.

So, Philza raised them all to be that way? Maybe I should ask him...

Foolish adventured over to the anarchist's house. He knocked on the door, and it opened to show Techno.

"Halloo. What do you want?" Techno questioned.

"Oh, I just wanted to as Phil something," Foolish answered with a smile.

"Oh, ok, come in."

Foolish walked in and Techno called for his dad. Phil came up from the latter that was down below, followed by Ranboo. The two looked confused on why Foolish was there.

"He wanted to ask Phil questions. I'm sure you don't mind if we stay, right?" Techno asked.

"No I don't mind at all! In fact, it might be better to have it confirmed by others as well," Foolish replied.

"So, what's this about then?" Ranboo asked, tilting his head.

"So earlier today, Tubbo came over to me and apologized for shooting me with a bow and arrow. He said that he was raised using weapons in play. Did you raise all of your kids to fight?" Foolish question.

Ranboo also looked for the answer. This was something that Tubbo hasn't mentioned to him.

"Oh, he still does that?" Techno questioned.

"What do you mean?" Foolish asked.

"Well, when we found Tubbo he sorta was scared to talk to all of us, it took 2 years to get him to probably answer us. No clue what he gone through or if he remembers it." Phil said.

"What do you mean "found Tubbo"' Ranboo asked.

"We found him in a box on the side of the road. He barely ever spoke about his biological parents, but when he did, it was vague and not a very nice description," Techno answered.

"I see..." Foolish mumbled, "so in that time, you taught him to fight as well?"

"We lived in an area where there were a lot of mobs, of course I had to teach him to fight. I had to wait until he was more comfortable around the rest of us, but I did teach him. Kid's a natural when it comes to a bow. So after awhile whenever the got stressed, he went out to the archery range in our old house and just shot the targets. It was calming to him and he did learn the exact places to shoot if he wants to hurt someone and if he doesn't." Phil explained.

"Yeah, whenever we fought for training, he was always able to hit us with a bow in places where it wouldn't exactly hurt us. He was always exact with his shots. He'd never actually hurt anyone on accident," Techno explained.

Ranboo leaned against the wall, "he's really good with a bow?"

"Yeah, he always was. He told Tommy something about it, but Tommy never said anything that Tubbo told him. They kept quiet to us and mostly talked to each other," Phil answered.

"So... he does that as a coping mechanism?" Foolish asked.

"Yeah pretty much. Why are you asking all of these? Did he shoot you?"

Foolish nodded. Phil sighed and shook his head.

"He never changes no matter what he's gone through," Phil said with a soft laugh.

"What exactly has Tubbo been through where he would need to do that? He's been playfully shooting things a lot lately," Ranboo said with a worried tone.

"Probably the fact that Tommy's just out of the blue back. They were close as kids right?" Foolish assumed.

"Yeah they were. I guess he would be stressed about that. Tubbo doesn't normally talk about his issues, so I doubt we'd be finding out any time soon," Phil responded.

"Yeah, thanks for telling me though. I gotta get back to work," Foolish said.

They wished Foolish a goodbye and he walked off back to the mansion to be finished.

I guess I can't exactly get mad at him for that...

The tubbo apologist in me is really showing. Man.

I hope you enjoyed this nevertheless.

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