Chatter boxes

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Fanart by @Mikaleachan on twitter

Made: January 20th, 2022
Published: March 2nd 2022

Lots of fireworkduo content as of late. Love writing it.

An au where Tubbo never became president and just kinda- went off with his older brother.

"Technnnoooooooooooo" the goat hybrid spoke in a sing-song tone.

The pink haired adult looked up at him from looking through his chests, "yeah?"

The smaller then jumped onto the other's back, "I'm bored."

The pig let out a snort, "I'm not the most... entertaining guy."

"You entertained that crowd pretty well at the festival when you executed me."




That was not the comeback Techno expected from him.


"C'mon! I'm bored and you got stuff I can be unboreded with! You're my older brother, you should be good at this stuff!" The brunette huffed.

"We're related, so you should know that I'm pretty boring. We grew up together," the older rolled his eyes.

"You have to entertain the voices in your head somehow though, right?" The smaller tilted his head.

"Yeah and it's normally through violence. Blood God title wasn't given to me for nothing, you should know that."

"You right, you right. Can I go mess with Steve then?" The shorter got off the other.

"Sure, but it's not my fault if you get hurt by him."

"Hehe, that would never happen as I am one with nature," the goat hybrid chucked as he went over to the polar bear.

The adult went back to organizing his chests. Recently, Phil told him it'd be better to have a better organization system. He had one, it just was a bit messy. So he decided to do it since he had nothing else to do.

The younger was petting Steve and sat near them. The polar bear did like him, which wasn't much of a shock because as far as Techno's know him, he always had some sorta magic touch with animals and nature. The smaller seemed aware of it as well.

If the pig hybrid was honest, he didn't think that the brunette would continue to be as trusting to him as much as the brown haired was. I mean, he literally executed him. Something that the other brought up as well. But his adoptive brother was still fine with him. It was nice at least. The voices liked Tubbo a bit as well, some even feeling guilty for helping pressure the pink haired into getting rid of his second life.

The older couldn't say he hated that his brother wasn't afraid of him though. Last thing he wanted was a repeat of when they first met. Took years for them to just have a conversation, not even a decent one.

"Hey Techno, gotta question for ya."

He was startled by the noise suddenly in the silence but gave his attention to the goat hybrid, "heh?"

"How's it like with all those voices in your head?"

What a straightforward question.

"Um, we'll they're overwhelming at times but I've gotten use to them. Chat kinda does its own thing and it's not like they can hurt anything."

"Chat?" The younger tiled his head.

"Yeah, s'what Phil called them. Little chatter boxes in my head, just decided to call them chat."

The brunette nodded, "so um, during when you blew me up, what were they saying?"

"You seem to be bringing it up a lot," the pink haired sighed.

"Can't help me being curious. Besides, I wanna know if I could trust this 'chat' personally. Wouldn't like it if I were to get shot again."

At that moment, it seemed that the voices just started to fill with guilty words.

Tubs doesn't trust us? :(

I knew we screwed up, blood thirty chat.

All of us wanted blood.

I'm sorry Tubbo :(

Seemed they had their arguments whether they were guilty or innocent, normally ended with guilty.

"Well, they do regret it, but they were some of more the main reason why I killed you. When you have over thousand voices yelling "blood for the blood god" it kinda clouds your vision." The pig admitted.

The other nodded, "at least they regret. Can I do something?"

"Um, sure?"

Then he got up and walked over to the adult before flicking his head. That surprisingly got a bit of reactions from chat, most of them saying 'ow', whether real or jokingly he wouldn't know.

"Rude little buggers. Might want to take awhile to know a person before demanding their death."

"They've been around since before you even came to our hous—"

"So they even knew me?! Man, chat. I'm hurt," the goat put a hand on his chest, "your voices have wounded me. Literally and figuratively."

The older chuckled a bit, "yeah, I guess they did. They're sorry though."

"Hard to forgive people who you'll never see, bossman," the shorter rolled his eyes.

"Fair enough, it's hard enough to forgive them for just existing and repeating 'e' majority of the time," the taller adjusted his crown.

Then, a noise was sent off. It was Tubbo's communicator. He checked it and hummed.

"Seems like Boo's done mining. I'm going back to Snowchester, have fun doing what you wore before," he waved as he walked to the exit, "and tell chat that they're assholes!"

The older rolled his eyes, "bye!"

As the goat left he then sighed.

Chat, Tubbo said you guys are jerks.

We heard y'know

If you're going to insult us, at least say what he actually said.

How rude. Bee boy calling us names.

The little chatter boxes just went on. Techno just decided to ignore them. Which did lead to them trying to get their host's attention again, but then got bored and just continued to do mind voices things.

Enjoy the randomness.

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