Growing Pains

740 43 2

Fanart by @_O5LOL on twitter

Made: March 29th 2022
Published: April 27th 2022

Tubbo's horns grow in at the worst time for them to :(

His head has been hurting a lot recently.

He just assumed it was headaches and moved on with his life. He got them often enough where he's learned to power through, unless they were so bad that he were to throw up.

Even if they got that bad, nowadays Tubbo no longer had the luxury of being able to take breaks. Even though he was 16, now he was so much busier than he was when Wilbur was in charge.

At the time he was the secretary, now he's he right hand man of the president. Normally, people would be happy to have the promotion to such a high level on the power field, but he was not one of them.

Sleeping was hard already, but it became harder to do when he was swamped with work everyday. He didn't even know that there was so much paperwork for anyone on the presidency field, seriously, it was practically a lifetime supply of it. How the hell.

But he was in no room to complain. It seemed as if during Wilbur's presidency, he took care of most of the paperwork, as he and Tommy barely did any. When they did, it was not nearly as much as he was getting now.

He missed his friends. Even though he's been able to see them from agreeing to be a double agent, and putting more work on himself, he still wanted to see them. They're his family, of course he wants to be with them. But fate is cruel, and it has other plans for him.

Those plans are working him down to the bone until the day he dies, apparently.

He's never felt worse than now, though. He was yelled at for slacking off, but that only made it worse. It was such and intense throbbing pain on his head. He didn't know what was happening.

"Twobo, Schlatt wants the papers he gave you yesterday—" Quackity stepped in, but was shocked at the sight of the young one holding his head and crying from pain that he was obviously in, but trying to hide.

The older quickly rushed over to him, "woah, Tubbo, what happened?!"

The brunette looked up at him through teary eyes, "I- I dunno...! It just- st-started hurt-ing!"

It seemed to hurt to even speak. He thought it was just a simple headache, what the hell is going on?

"Um, I- I don't know what to do, I'm not a doctor... uh—"



"S-she might... k-know... some... thing..! She helped with... injuries..."

"Alright, do you think you can move?"

The smaller tried, but then just hissed in pain as he fell to the floor. The duck hybrid quickly got him up and helped him walk the way to the girl's bakery. He and Niki weren't exactly on good terms since he and Schlatt exiled Wilbur and Tommy, but he didn't see her get mad at Tubbo yet. Hopefully that'll be enough to have her help him.

"Who's there?" She called from inside her bakery/home.

"It's Quackity! I know we're not really ok grounds, but this is serious!"

She hesitated before opening the door, and was shocked about the state of the younger hybrid being held up by the duck.

"Please, I don't know what's going on with him," he carried the youngest in the room.

Quickly, the blonde rushed over to the brunette. She felt his forehead, which only caused even more pain.

"You're burning up.... but you're not sick. It's to intense to be a headache..." she began examining his head.

Quackity just watched with worry. Despite not treating the young one the best because of what he's currently going through with the new presidency, he still cared for the goat.

"...Tubbo, what hybrid are you again?"

"W-what.. do-es that ha-have to do... with.. anything...?!"

"Just answer me, please."


The blonde went over to her table and grabbed something, "Tubbo, you should know that your biology hasn't completely developed because you're young, correct?"


"You're body is reaching a time when it grows more. Kind of like a second puberty, but doesn't affect most things besides what isn't there yet."

"What are you saying?" The black haired questioned.

She looked between the two hybrids, "Tubbo, your horns are growing out."

Still in pain, but the brunette paused.


He was getting horns.

He knew he would get them eventually, but why now?!

He'll look—

He'll be like—

He doesn't want this!


"This is going to be very painful for you to deal with, but there isn't really another way for this. I can give you things that'll dull the pain, but there's only so much that can do."

Tubbo looked down at the ground, "o-okay..."

He understood the situation he was in. So his body was going to be in excruciating pain until horns finish getting through his head, breaking a way out of his head in order to form.

He'll be in pain while being a double agent and having a lot of work to do.

This is fine.

This was more when around people started drawing c!Tubbo with horns. Despite that being something that came from the DadSchlatt headcanon, Tubbo himself did confirm that they weren't related.

So I just kinda made sense of it ig.

Hope you liked it

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