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Fanart by @reddsmess on tumblr according to google.

Published: April 10th 2021

Tubbo's compass explodes and he has a panic attack lol.

"No...please... please... please... no... where is it...?" Tubbo panicked.

Tubbo looked around the creeper hole frantically. He was messing around with a trident, just wanting to have fun. Unaware that he landed near a creeper until a hissing sound was heard. He was shot up in the air from the explosion, but luckily, he had netherite armor and was fine. Physically that is.

He unfortunately wasn't completely lucky. When he was launched in the air, he accidentally let go of his compass, the compass that GhostBur gave to him as an assurance of that Tommy was ok, and it landed in the explosion. Tubbo was looking around the dirt hole that the creeper made, trying to find the compass.

"Tubbo? You good?" Fundy asked behind him.

Tubbo shook his head, "no! It's gone! I can't find it!"

Panic overcame Tubbo. Did he lose the only thing that allowed him to still be close to Tommy? A prized possession of his, that he kept close to him, did he lose it?

"What are you looking for?" Ranboo asked.

"M-my compass!" Tubbo started tearing up, "it'a gone! I can't find it!"

Ranboo and Fundy looked at each other and then began to help Tubbo look for it. Digging into the dirt to make sure that it didn't go under. After about 20 minutes, Ranboo yelled.

"I found it!" Ranboo then turned to Tubbo and gave it to him.

Tubbo smiled and hugged it, looking at it. Then he noticed that the compass was no longer shining like how it once did. Tubbo noticed that it wasn't moving at all. The disc in the middle of the compass lost it's once purple shine.

"It's... not working..?"

Tubbo hit it lightly, trying to get it to work again. It was pointing in a direction Tubbo knew that Tommy wasn't in. His panic was started to rise again as he fiddled with the compass.

"Please... come on... please..." Tubbo felt the panic start to show in his voice.

"Is it broken?" Ranboo asked.

"It is," Fundy looked at Tubbo, "at least I think. Can I see it?"

Tubbo nodded and gave it to Fundy. Fundy looked at the back of it, checking to see if anything out of place. Tubbo was basically praying that it would somehow be fixed, but he knew deep down that it wouldn't be able to be fixed. He just refused to believe it. Fundy was skilled in fixing things, he's done it many times. So he had faith. But he then herd something he didn't want to hear.

"I'm sorry Tubbo, but it's broken," Fundy said with a sympathetic expression as he returned it to Tubbo.

Tubbo looked at the broken compass as tears fell down his face. He brought it close to him, looking down. The thing that allowed him to make sure that Tommy was alive, was broken.

"I'm so stupid..." Tubbo muttered out.

Fundy and Ranboo looked at the smaller sadly. Tubbo didn't even try to hide his tears.

"I- I should've been... more careful... I.. I'm such an idiot..." Tubbo gripped the compass tighter.

"I should have never exiled him.... I'm such a bad president... a bad friend..."

"Tubbo no, you're not..." Ranboo quickly responded.

"I want him back..." Tubbo whispered, "I really... really miss him... I miss him so much..."

Ranboo put a hand on Tubbo's shoulder, attempting to comfort him. Tubbo's breath hitched he hunched over hugging the compass. Fundy looked at the young president, sad that he couldn't do anything to help.

"We should head back... it's going to rain. You're not a fan of it, right Ranboo?" Fundy burted out.

Ranboo nodded, "are you ok with going, Tubbo?"

Tubbo nodded and he wiped the tears away from his eyes and gave them a weak smile. Ranboo smiled back and they began leaving the ocean monument. Tubbo looked at the broken compass and his smile fell.

I'm so sorry Tommy...

Tubbo then followed Fundy and Ranboo out and they went back to L'manburg.

Tubbo got into his house by the dock and slid down the door. Tubbo hugged the broken compass and he felt his tears welling up again. He curled up in a ball.

I didn't want to get rid of him... I had no choice.

Tubbo looked at the compass once again, but his vision was burry from tears. He flipped it over and looked at the tape attached to it that said 'Your Tommy'. Tubbo traced his finger over it softly before a tear fell on the compass.

I'm so sorry Tommy... please forgive me... I miss you...

Just a little angst. It's a short story though.

I hoped you enjoyed regardless.

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