Sound of Death

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Fanart by @Bubblew0lf1 on twitter

Made: January 27th 2022
Published: March 14th 2022

It was hard to come up with something as the entire information giving was already in fanfic format, but I came up with something. Might go off script from the direct words, but that's ok.

Swearing warning as this is also me getting out my anger lmao

As much as he appreciated both of them trying to help...


He didn't care who got him a way to get off the pressure plate, he just wanted off of it! But good-y for Tubbo that his boss and his husband's boss decided to have a fight when his LIFE WAS ON THE LINE! Stupid self centered fuckers.

Then, a noise was heard above from him and light shined through. He looked up and saw Ranboo, there in the opening and came over to his aid immediately. He put a foot down on the pressure plate.

"Tubbo, you need to go. I have a plan."

The goat looked up at him, "... are you going to be safe?"

"I'll do my best to be, I promise."

The younger accepted that answer and stepped off. The fear he felt from being on it was immediately replaced with worry for his love as he went to the latter that made him go to the viewing platform. He turned to look at the multicolored once again, in the eyes this time. The gaze was returned.

The smaller was happy that the enderman hybrid as ok with looking at him in the eyes again. It really worried him when the other didn't want to when they talked in Wilbur's van.

You better know what you're doing...

Tubbo trusted him though.

The smile the older gave him before he ascended up the latter made him at least happy, although still feeling the rush of adrenaline from fear and worry.

The goat hybrid curled up into a ball in the corner and prepared for the worst. He knew that his beloved would do his best to live up to his word, but if it goes south... and least he'll have 2 more lives. He could work with that.

He shut his eyes, he didn't want to see what happened next.

"Wilbur! Quackity!" He heard his love shout.

"Ranboo?" He heard his boss say, "Where's—"

He didn't want to even look at the adult at the moment. He just wanted to go home with his husband.

"It's okay, guys— Stop! Don't come any closer, stay on the viewing platform."

Ranboo wanted to protect as many people as he could, the taller young adult was always thinking of others. The young brunette felt his heart tighten.

"Ranboo, I'll go find something heavy, stay there—"

"I have an idea," oh he better, "I know what to do. I know how to defuse the bomb and make you realize how frivolous this whole thing is."

"But tell me, Wilbur and Quackity... the burgers were good, right?"

You better have a point to this or else I'm never letting you out of my sights again...

"Yes!" He heard Wilbur shout almost instantly.

It made him upset in a weird way, but now wasn't a time for that.

Tubbo-centric storiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon