Get. Out.

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Fanart by @chloeazart on twitter

Made: March 7th 2021 (gonna start keeping track)
Published: April 16th 2021

So, did you guys see how Bad, Ant, and Punz were at Tommy's house partying because of his death? What if, not only Puffy, but Tubbo and Ranboo saw it and what if, Tubbo got really pissed off because of the mass amount of disrespect that was.

Moonbloom Tubbo. He has the abilities of making vines appear from the ground and have flowers grow on it that can do certain things depending on the color again.



"Do you just... what do you want to do..?" Ranboo asked.

Tubbo looked down with a soft smile, not accepting his best friend's death, "we can visit his house. Make sure it's ok when he gets back."

The taller smiled, "yeah let's do that."

He and the smaller silently made their way over to Tommy's house. But on their way, they heard yelling. It was inside the deceased blond's house, as well. The brunette raised a brow before he rushed over and opened the door.


The younger teen looked over at Bad, Ant, and Punz. They looked different. Bad's hood didn't have any red on it, Ant had red eyes, and so was Punz.

"We're not celebrating his death! We're celebrating the fact that he's out of the way," Bad explained.

The small teen froze, "what?"

They turned over and saw him.

"Oh, hi Tubbo!" Bad greeted.

"What are you guys doing in Tommy's house..." the older teen said as he looked at around.

"We're having a celebration, would you like to join us?" Ant offered.

The short teen felt the rage build up in him, "you're... having a party... in Tommy's house...?"

"Yeah. With him out of the way, we can move forward with the eggs plans!" Bad exclaimed.

"You're having this so called party in a house of a CHILD who DIED. DO YOU NOT REALIZE HOW TWISTED THIS IS?!" Puffy snapped.

"Well, it's not Tommy's house. He's gone. So this place is pretty much up for grabs," Punz said as he sat on one of Tommy's chests.

"You changed the floor of Tommy's house..." the multicolored teen said under his breath.

"Well, yeah! It's a party! They're decorations," the demon hybrid replied. (Pretty sure he's a demon hybrid, right?)

"This is history..." all the attention shifted to Tubbo who had a shadow over his eyes, "and you're changing it for your own selfish desires..."

"No, we changed it to have a party theme! For the egg!" Bad defended.

"I don't give a shit about your damn egg... I doubt anyone else does either..." the brunette growled.

"Hey! Language Tubbo!"

"Oh? So THATS crossing the line? NOT TAKING A DEAD KIDS HOME?!" The sheep hybrid yelled.

"Cussing is bad! Besides, this is egg land now."

"No, it's Tommy's house," the tall teen glared at them, "and you are disrespecting what he still owns. He may not be here, but it's still his. There's nothing you can do about it."

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