Our final stand...

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Fanart by @Lemros on Devonart according to google :)

Published: January 28th 2021

I want to mention that I made this before they went to fight dream. I write stories and I wait 2 days after the last to post it. Now here we go :D

Tommy was walking into Snowchester. He and his friend had to be ready for the war.

"Hello Tubbo." Tommy said.

Tubbo turned around and smiled, "hey Tommy."

"What are you doing right now?"

Tubbo looked over a chest, "I've been busy gathering items, why?"

Tommy sighed, "Tubbo. We have to fight against Dream is on Wednesday. Please tell me you at least have weapons."

Tubbo giggled, "of course I would get prepared. It's Dream we're talking about and he's one of the best people at pvp in the entire server!"

"You seem to night be taking this seriously," Tommy said as he put a hand to his face.

"You wanna see? I think we'll be fine." Tubbo said as he held out his hand to Tommy.

"Fine," Tommy said as he took Tubbo's hand.

Tubbo took him over to a potato farm. Tommy looked unamused, as if this was a huge joke. Then Tubbo went to a stone wall in the back of the farm and then brought out a pickaxe. Tommy raised an eyebrow at Tubbo.

Tubbo mined down the wall to show a hallway inside. Tubbo dragged Tommy inside as Tommy looked around in curiosity. Tubbo pulled him until they reached a room that had 5 armor stands that held full enchanted netherite armor.

Tommy's eyes widened, "what the heck?!"

Tubbo giggled, "I always make it seem like I have nothing so if I did have something, nobody will know."

Tommy was impressed by his friend.

"Now, there's more than just armor Toms." Tubbo said as he motioned for Tommy to follow him down a latter.

Tommy followed him and saw chests in every corner.

Tubbo walked to the left corner on the other side of the stairs, "this is all of my stuff."

Tommy came over and opened the chest to see it full of enchantment books, each labeled as the enchantment in english instead of enchantment table.

"The one next to it is potions," Tubbo said as he opened it to reveal a lot of bottled liquids of different colors.

"Are there splash potions that we could use against Dream?" Tommy asked, still shocked.

"Yeah, the one above it," Tubbo said as he opened it.

"Jesus, I didn't think you would be over prepared," Tommy said as he looked away from the chests.

Tubbo closed it and made his way over to the other corner chests. Tommy watched curiously, wondering if he had more. But all Tubbo did was break a sign.

"What did the sign say?" Tommy asked as he tilted his head.

Tubbo smiled softly, "nothing to worry about."

Tommy came over and opened a chest to see a diamond sword.

"Who's chest are these?" Tommy asked.

Tubbo's smile fell slightly, "it belonged to someone who... tried to use me... but it's nothing to worry about! I already took care of them."

Tommy looked at Tubbo in worry. Tubbo noticed and hugged Tommy.

"I'm fine. Don't worry..."

Tommy gave the smaller a soft look, "you know we only have one shot at this... if someone tried to use you then that's more a big deal that you think..."

Tubbo nuzzled into Tommy's chest, "right... sorry... but at least we're prepared huh?"

Tommy nodded, "we're ready for our final stand... we either get the disc back or die trying..."

Tubbo looked up to Tommy, "do you think we can actually do this?"

Tommy looked down at him with a confident smile, "with your preparations, we'll kill him."

Tubbo smiled and nuzzled back into Tommy's chest, "our final stand.... let's do our best..."

They stayed in each other's arms in the armory.
I tend to think of ideas while someone is streaming and this is no acceptation. Hope you enjoyed it :>

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