Bee meets Avian

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Fanart by @rainegrah on twitter

Made: May 18th 2021
Published: June 28th 2021

So basically, Ranboo goes to Tubbo's hive that no one knows about, cause Tubbo's to antisocial, and Tommy follows him.

Swearing is in this. Just as a warning.

Tubbo flew around happily about his finished hive. Happy that he finally was able to finish the design of it. He's , at this moment, working on getting honey. It's just a natural instinct as he is a bee.

His enderian roommate did seem to really like the honey he made when the bee put it on the food he cooked for his friend, so Tubbo was never really complained about having to make honey. So he just let his natural instincts take form.

Then, footsteps were heard at the entrance. The bee's wings flapped in happiness as he knew who it was. The enderman popped out of the entrance.

"Hi Tubbo! I'm back. I have your new flowers," Ranboo said as she gave the bee an allium flower.

Tubbo smiled and buzzed happily, gladly accepting the flowers. Ranboo smiled then pulled out a pink tulip and placed it in the bee's hair.

"I remember you said those were your favorite flowers so I got one special for you," Ranboo said with a smile.

Tubbo buzzed happily again, "thanks boo! I love it."

The enderman's tail wagged as she smiled, "I'm glad."

"What in the actual fuck is this?"

The enderian jumped up as the bee flinched and flew back a little at the voice. They both turned to see a blond (chicken) avian at the entrance, looking around the area confused.

The bee quickly flew and hid behind Ranboo. The taller looked between his friend and the blond.

"Oh! H- hey Tommy..." Ranboo stuttered out.

"Don't 'Hey Tommy' me. What is this, and who the fuck is that?!" He shouted.

The bee buzzed quietly and hid more behind Ranboo. Tubbo wasn't a very social person. Neither was Ranboo, but she knew who the blond was so that made it easier.

"Um.... this is a hive. And uh— behind me is the bee who lives here. His name is Tubbo," Ranboo explained.

Tubbo popped his head out a little and looked at the blond. They had red wings on their back. They were taller than him and they had a red bandana on their neck.

"Okay... but why have you kept this from everyone? I seriously had to FOLLOW you to get this information," Tommy grumbled.

"Tubbo... didn't want anyone to really know about him. Me finding him was an accident, but honestly I don't know what he would've done if I hadn't. We've been friends for about 7 months now. I moved in with him 2 months ago," the enderman explained.

The bee's antenna's moved as he nodded slightly before hiding behind the taller teen once again.

"So that's why you sold your house. You moved in with this guy, eh?" Tommy responded while he rolled his eyes.

The enderian looked behind her at her small insect friend and softly said, "do you want to talk to him...? You can try to get to know him before you first start coming up above your hive."

Tubbo looked up at his friend before hesitantly nodding. He then moved from behind the endermen and flew a bit towards the blond. Tommy raised a brow but with a smile.

"Hi... I'm Tubbo... nice to meet you..." the bee buzzed out.

Tommy grinned brighter, "nice to meet you as well. I'm Tommy."

Ranboo smiled at her friend trying. The avian's wings flapped a little in excitement of the bee talking. It seemed as if they would get along pretty well.

"You made this hive? It looks sick! I take it you've never gone to the surface since I've never seen you before, so it's cool for you to make this design out of not knowing anything of what our there looks like," Tommy complemented.

Tubbo's wings flapped quickly for a split second as embarrassment shown, "well.. thanks to Boo..."

Tommy blinked two twice, "Boo? Oh, Ranboob? Jeez, you guys have nicknames for each other?"

Ranboo chuckled, "he just started calling me that when I gave him redstone."

Tommy nodded, "well then, Tubbo. Do you wanna be friends?"

Tubbo's eyes widened and his wings flapped quickly in excitement and nervousness once again, "are you sure you want a friend like me...?"

Tommy rolled his eyes once again, "I wouldn't be askin' if I didn't big man."

Tubbo fiddled with his fingers, "then... sure...?"

Ranboo smiled as she saw her two friends getting along. Then it snapped in her head that she had to finish preparing the trade hall. She sighed and the bee turned to look at her. Ranboo eyed the area of the training hall, signaling that she was going to go finish it.

Tubbo nodded and decided that he'd stay and get to know Tommy more. Ranboo nodded and left with a smile knowing that Tubbo was trying to get use to other people slowly. It was a step up from his antisocialness. She was proud of his roommate.

Short story but here ya go.

Since Tubbo is actually not very good with social situations, I added it to his origins character when first interacting with others. Ranboo mines a lot so that's why I made his character know Tubbo first since Tubbo's hive is underground.

Anyways, hope you liked the story.

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