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Fanart by @Bubblew0lf1 on twitter

Made: January 29th 2022
Published: March 20th 2022

So I decided that instead of just writing the whole entire stream in fanfic format, I'll just take chucks of it and write those in my own way.

So this is more off of when Techno and Eret apologized cause GOD DID TUBBO DESERVE IT.

Also it's not entirely on script to how the stream was so we're just gonna roll with a few things.

"I trusted someone I shouldn't, I trusted... Sam."

The young brunette glanced at him as he was an idiot, "now- now why in your right mind did you do that?"

"Why would you trust Sam? That man is sus," Techno added.

"Now why would you do that," Tubbo repeated, "he's literally is a prison warden."

"He's was able to keep Dream in prison."

"He also did a bunch of other fucked up shit."

The king sighed, "he approached me and said that he could keep Micheal somewhere safe, that I wouldn't have to worry over him."

"And you believed him."

"I did believe him! He kept Dream in prison for so long," the king spoke.

"Uh huh. And how'd that go?"

".... He kidnapped Micheal. Sam has Micheal."

The shortest of them sighed, "so you don't have him. And don't know where he is."

"I don't."

"Why would you even move him in the first place? How is that even a good idea?!" The youngest ran a hand through his hair.

"George and Sapnap were trying to kill him! I had to put him somewhere safe!"

"I get that!" The smaller said, "I do, but if you're trying to keep someone safe, why would you tell another person where the safe place is?!"

"He said- he said that he'd make a safer place for him. I wanted him to be free and safe at the same time, not cramped. Sam built this elaborate prison, out of anyone on the server I thought he'd be able to build something like that," the taller brunette responded.

"... Eret, if I find out you have him...

I will kill you."

The king nodded before the pig hybrid who was there spoke up.

"Well, on that, I do know where Sam lives. So we could go get him," he said as he placed down an enderchest.

"That sounds good," the goat agreed as the other pulled out a book.

The book had cords on it.

"Dream gave these to me a bit ago, they came in handy now," he said as he picked up his enderchest once again. "So we all down to just go and beat up Sam?"

"I'm 100% down to beat up Sam," Eret repeated.

"Great. Now we have the epic team up of Tubbo and everyone's whose murdered him," the pink haired said.

"That is so true," the goat sighed, "maybe we should get Sapnap and it'll be complete."

"Sapnap killed you?" Techno questioned, "should you be completely dead right now?"

"No, Eret just lead me to my demise by Sapnap. Didn't do it themself," the youngest clarified.

"... Welp, still a great team regardless," the pig hybrid replied.

"We'll let bygones be bygones I guess," the taller brunette spoke after.

When the hell did I ever say they'd get off easy-

"Woah, woah, woah, guys," the smallest backed up from them, "am I..? Is this some elaborate ploy to lead me to my death?"



"You've both betrayed me, like— should I be worried right now?" The goat then looked around in case there was anything there.

"Tubbo, listen," Techno started, "I wouldn't go to this much for—"

The small hybrid understood what he meant, "could I at least get an apology? I feel like I deserve that at the very least." (HE DID AND I'M SO HAPPY WE GOT IT-)

"Yeah, I was- I was meaning to tell you is that... Tubbo, the festival— y'know, I've been thinking about it, that was my fault. At the time I thought I was forced to kill you because Schlatt would've killed me, and while that's true, I should've chosen to fight. It was pathetic of my to give into the government like that. I- I could've, even though none of my allies were helping, I still could've chosen to fight."

"To be fair, none of my allies were helping me either," the goat mentioned.

"That is also true," the pink haired agreed, "even though, I should've fought. Even though it might not've worked out. And that you mentioned this when you forgave me back then, I still lacked the courage to die for my ideals back then. I'm sorry for that."

"I... I'll be honest, I don't think I'll ever fully forgive you for literally being the reason behind the scars on my face, chest, and arms that I'll be forced to look at for the rest of my life, but I forgive you for as much as I can."

"I'll take that," he responded.

"... I'm sorry as well, Tubbo," Eret spoke, "I thought that betraying L'manburg would help the server go back to everyone being at peace, and... I was wrong."

"Yeah, you were" the shorter rolled his eyes.

It made the other brunette laugh a bit, "I've learned that friendship is what comes first and I want to help you be reunited with your son. I'm sorry."

Tubbo looked at them skeptically before nodding. In all seriousness, Eret was a lot easier to forgive than Techno, but physically saying it seems like showing to much trust that could help up being used against him.

But he was happy they apologized, even sounded sincere.

He didn't realize how much he wanted to hear at least a tiny bit of regret from the ones who hurt him for what they did. Now that he's heard it, he feels better.

Now he can think more about saving his son than anything else.

I am confused on why Tubbo made his character forgive Techno but not say for Eret since Eret's betrayal was longer ago- but that's alright I guess.

Hope you liked this chapter :]

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