I'm alive, but dead?

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Fanart by, I have no clue because google. Man.

Made: March 18th 2021
Published: May 3rd 2021

(Since there was lore today, I want to know how you guys feel about it.)

So basically, Tubbo dies. He's dead bc he died to Dream. Punz was to late to come and Tubbo died. That sucks.

Tubbo then sat up. He looked around and saw a bunch of flowers around him.

Where am I...?

Then, the memory began to wash over him.

"Tommy, it's ok... all good things must come to an end eventually."

Tommy was tearing up, "please... please don't go..."

Tubbo smiled softly, "it's ok Tommy... it's about time..."

"B-but..." Tommy grabbed the smaller's hand, "what am I without you..?"

"Yourself...?" Tubbo answered quietly.

Tommy shook his head and brought the smaller into a hug, "I... I can't lose you... you're... you have always been seen as my sidekick... but in all actuality... I'm yours... so please don't go..."

Tubbo dug his face into Tommy's chest, "I'm sorry... goodbye Tommy..."

Tubbo broke away from Tommy and walked up to Dream. Dream held a smile, that being the only thing facial feature that was able to be seen. He put an axe to Tubbos neck.

"No.... no please don't..." Tommy's voice was panicky.

Tubbo turned to look at Tommy with an eyes closed smile, "I'll miss you...! Please... don't blame yourself.... ok...?"

Dream then sliced the axe into my neck. A swift attack, and Tubbo fell to the floor... the world fading black.

"I love you Tommy..." Tubbo whispered before everything went numb.

Tubbo put a hand over his neck at the memory.

So... I'm dead...?

Tubbo looked around and then saw that he was sitting at... his own grave. His bandana was placed on his tomb. Tubbo smiled at the thought of Tommy putting that there. He stood up and realized that he basically could float above the ground. He started so shakily levitate a bit before he decided to go see how everyone was going.

He flew around the smp, and everyone seemed down in the dumps. Did his death really have that much of an effect on people? Why? Wasn't he the insignificant ones?

Tubbo then spotted Tommy in going into his house is Snowchester. Tubbo then floated over to Tommy and watched as he just looked around. Tubbo tilted his head at if Tommy was going to do anything and why.

Tommy sighed as he looked at Tubbo's items, "I'm miss you so much.."

Tubbo wanted to hug Tommy, tell him that he was here. But he can't even touch anything. He wasn't like how Ghostbur was, he was an actual ghost that phases through everything.

"I miss you too Tommy..." Tubbo mumbled.

Then, Tommy stiffened up, "is someone there..?

Tubbo tilted his head and looked around to see no one.

Is Tommy being paranoid...? Or did he hear... me...?

"Tommy...? C-can you hear me...?"

Tommy turned around and stared exactly where Tubbo was with wide eyes, "T-Tubbo...?"

"You can..." Tubbo started to smile, "you can see me...?"

Tommy nodded hesitantly. Tubbo understood, this would've been freaky to see the ghost of your best friend. Tubbo floated over to Tommy who only backed up in fear.

"Y-your not real... T-Tubbo died... you're just an hallucination.." Tommy stuttered.

Tubbo reached out with his hand, before remembering he couldn't touch anything, "no... I'm here Tommy... I'm real... I'm dead, yeah... but I'm... here..."

Tommy shook his head, "no...you... he can't be here..."

Tubbo stopped levitating and stepped on the floor. Tubbo's see through features faded out, but he was still pale. Tubbo was directly in front of Tommy and grabbed his hand.

"I'm real..." Tubbo said under his breath.

Tommy let out a shaky breath before trapping the smaller in a hug. Tubbo smiled and he buried his face in the blonde's chest.

"H-how... I- I watched you die..." Tommy said through a sob.

Tubbo rubbed a circle on Tommy's back in comfort, "I... I don't exactly know... I just kinda... woke up...? I remember what happened... you've been the first person who was able to see me..."

Tommy buried his face in the brunette's hair, "it doesn't matter... you're back... with me.."

Tubbo nodded and hugged the taller tighter.

After awhile, they hugged for about an hour, they went out. Tubbo let himself turn back to behind see though and he just floated up. They started walking around, Tommy showing Tubbo what's changed since he last seen. A lot of people asked if Tommy was ok, they couldn't see Tubbo.

But, two other people did.

Ranboo's eyes widened as he stared at the Tubbo. Purpled looked over and his eyes widened. They rushed over to the clingy duo.

"How the hell are you here?!" Purpled asked, shocked.

Tubbo giggled as he floated around them, "honestly, no clue! But hello again."

Ranboo smiled brightly as he watched Tubbo float around them, "I'm just happy you're ok..."

Tubbo then turned into his material form in front of Ranboo, "did you miss me that much~?"

Tubbo teased the tall endermen hybrid as looked down a little before nodding, embarrassed. Honestly, everyone missed Tubbo. But since he was here, acting like his normal playful self, they didn't have to be. Tubbo was making them all happy.

Tubbo saw the smiles on his friends face, he felt this feeling in him. Like his entire purpose was to see those smiles. To see everyone smile through the sad times. But, almost all the sever couldn't see him.

Tommy then brought the smaller in a hug, pulling him a bit away from Ranboo. Glaring bit at the taller, then rested his head on Tubbo's. Tubbo giggled and ruffled the blonde's hair.

He didn't exactly like being dead, but he did like seeing his friends happy.

That was good enough for him.

That's when he realized why he was here. What his purpose was.

To make them happy.

He'll fulfill that purpose, and he'll make sure everyone's happy. Even if it means he disappears from the earth, he'll gladly sacrifice himself again for that.

If you're confused on why Tubbo materialized, it's because he really wanted Tommy to realize that he was real. He was so determined to, that it made him materialize if that make sense.

Hope that clears it up, but I hope you liked this story. :D

Tubbo-centric storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora