Different Conditions

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Fanart by @_BLynx_ on twitter

Made: March 17th 2022
Published: April 18th 2022

Ranboo didn't die but did get stabbed. So... yeah.

He was mining in a cave. He knew how much material was going to be needed in order to make the farms he wanted to build inside their mansion to make their lives easier. He knew he could just ask his husband for them, but he honestly felt like he's been depending on the older way to much.

He felt like that for a long time, even though that's the main reason they got married. Sometimes, Tubbo even went up to Foolish and paid him with little gold he had and told him to lessen the price of the mansion on Ranboo and not tell him that he helped pay for it.

It wasn't his fault, he was just not use to someone ever helping him! He normally had to get his own stuff and build that up until it was ultimately destroyed and he had to start up again. No one ever helped him when it came to money or material, he always had to do it himself. Even during the good times of his past, Tommy never really helped him get things while he helped the other get his things he needed at the current time.

Huh. Guess he's just use to being used as a tool. Maybe a little to use to it.

A very loud noise shoved him out of his thoughts.

It was so so loud.

Despite the loss of hearing he's gotten over the times he's been in explosions, that was something he couldn't miss.

He knew what it was.

He immediately began to rush out of the cave he was in, dumping everything he gotten into a chest as he grabbed his weapons.

Where's Micheal?!

He rushed up into the open snowy forest.

Where's Ranboo?!

He ran as fast as he could to get back home.

Where's Tommy?!

He needed to make sure the people he loved are safe.

He brought out his communicator to see if anything happen, but nothing seems to have been made. That's a good thing, no one has been hurt yet.

He rushed into his house and noticed a chest in the middle of the room, but didn't care enough to read or look at it right now.

He needed to check on his son.

He needed to know that his baby was okay—

Where's Micheal...?

He looked around the room, it was relatively small so there wasn't a lot of hiding places.


No answer.

"Hey, Mike? Bud, come on out. This isn't a time to be playing games."

But nobody came.

He felt panic over rush him as he went back downstairs. He once again glanced at his communicator and there was still nothing. The sound of the alarm was quieting from how long it was going on. Not so sure if it's a good thing, but whatever.

He looked at the chest and saw a sign.

I fixed the house again. I saved Micheal DM for info -Eret

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