Just Goat Things

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Fanart by @urexpiredmilk on twitter

Made: May 8th 2021
Published: June 14th 2021

So basically, I saw a tiktok about how goats can make their eyes into slits. I did research on some goats as well and mostly combined abilities of mountain goats.

So Tubbo is a goat while Tommy and Ranboo are just noticing what he does that aren't human lol.

DadSchlatt au.

Also, nothing bad happened meaning there were no wars in this au, but Snowchester, Badlands, Kinoko Kingdom, all those different factions exist. As well as the beeduo marriage.

Before Las Nevadas though, or however you spell it.

Well, no trauma other than the fact Phil neglects Wilbur and Tommy because Dadza favored Techno, but it wasn't that bad. Also that Tubbo was abandoned by his parents who, because why not, weren't the best. Schlatt was a good dad, Tubbo just didn't have a good mom.

Anyways, onto the story :D

It weirded Tommy out how easily Tubbo could pick up on his emotions sometimes. Whenever he was even slightly upset, the goat hybrid would do anything to lift his spirit. The fact that Tubbo grew up with Tommy most of his life didn't help since Tubbo knew so much more about him than any other person.

Ranboo was confused on how Tubbo seemed to always get Ranboo to do something for him. Tubbo jokes around about it most of the time, but when Tubbo looks Ranboo in the eyes, Ranboo can literally just never say no.

Not only was the brunette the only person who could look Ranboo in the eyes without making Ranboo feel uncomfortable, but Tubbo also rarely looked at him in the eyes in general. The goat hybrid wasn't really one to look anyone in the eyes for some weird reason, he never asked.

Both the blond and the enderman hybrid both notice that the smaller teen is a very picky eater. Rarely ate meat, only ate it when Micheal wanted some for dinner (except pork for obvious reasons.)

But other than that, Tubbo grew his food. Ate potatoes, carrots, bread, mushroom stews, pretty much only fruits and vegetables and just made them differently. He's a pretty good cook despite him normally just messing around when anyone cooks with him. Ranboo suspects it's the part of Tubbo that always tries to make people happy.

Tommy knows thats the brunette use to get teased about them a lot, but he did have this fascination with Tubbo's eyes. It honestly seemed that they changed color everyday. The fact that no one could tell what color they were, the fact that his pupils were rectangular normally but turn circular or slit depending on his emotions. That's another reason why Tubbo didn't really like showing his eyes and kept his hair in front of it, but Tommy always tried to cheer him up about it.

Ranboo is one of the only other people that know what Tubbo's eyes look like. They're kinda like his eyes, expect their resting shape is rectangular rather than slits. He's also noticed that Tubbo has less sensitivity to light than most seem to. Normally, people go outside and shield their eyes, but according to what Phil told him, Tubbo has never done that his entire life.

Wilbur is the final other person who has seen his eyes. He asked silly questions to make him feel better about them since he knew Tubbo was self conscious about them. He always enjoyed making the small brunette laugh when he was a kid because Tubbo rarely ever even smiled like he did now. Tubbo never spoke about why, one's ever asked him because they knew he'd bring it up if he wanted to talk about it. Or at least they thought he would.

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