Love is Cruel

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Fanart by @pitifulpanini on twitter

Made: December 23rd 2021
Published: February 14th 2022

(Created this on Tubbo's bday to come out on valentine's day. How ironic.)

Now for the summary, Tubbo doesn't know how love works cause he's never seen a healthy relationship.

•Mentions of abuse
•Mentions of blood
•Mentions of alcohol


Love is a very confusing thing.

It was spoken about like it was one of the most amazing experiences a person could go through. Making them so endlessly happy.

Then why was there no example of that?

Growing up, Tubbo's parents never showed any signs that they loved each other. Fights, the hitting, the loud noises of bottles being thrown, the blood found on the floor after the fights, the times he himself would get hurt.

Love isn't all hearts and kisses, it led people to corrupting.

It isn't a happy thing, all it leads to is two people being happy until they realize that one of the people, or both of them, or as many people are in a 'romantic' relationship to realize that they're monsters. Total fuck ups.

They realize who they truly were all along, not a good person, and then the fights begin. The fights always happen, they never stop. The loud screaming matches, then it leads to the hitting. It leads to one or multiple of them going down a path that makes them go further than hitting.

The smell of his dad whenever he went down that road. The alcohol. The horrible smell that will forever plague his mind, the bottles that caused him to smell that way being thrown at his mama. The crying of them after it, the shouting that continued, the times where his mama came in after to make sure he was ok despite being hurt themself. The cuts, bruises, blood were visible but they only cared for their son's health.

Sure, the young brunette was a child, but his mama was hurt and worrying over him? It was stupid.

He never understood why his mama never just left papa. He's heard that people do that whenever fights happen. He's always been afraid to get into fights because of that. But if papa was hurting mama, why didn't mama leave? It would've been better for them both and for him as well, no more fighting or ouchies, none of it.

Then, when mama did leave, papa was taking his rage out on him. Maybe that was why mama didn't leave, but they obviously stopped caring and wanted to do what was best for themself. He was proud of his mama for doing it, even though it wasn't putting him in the best position.

When he was left by his papa, he didn't know how to feel. The fear of being alone in a box for awhile, it scared him. But he was somewhat happy to be away from his papa as well. Then when he was taken in, he was scared. But got use to it.

Now, that fear that he developed as a kid was resurfacing.

Recently, he and his husband got in a fight. It was over jobs, but it still scared him regardless. Fighting never lead to anything good, relationships never lead to anything good, happiness never lead to anything good. Everything that the goat hybrid did never lead to anything good.

They fought, now what would happen? Who was going to become the monster? Was it him? Was it his husband?

Who was going to land the first blow?

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