Story behind the Scars

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Fanart by @omelettecandy on twitter

Made: February 16th 2022
Published: April 1st 2022

Tubbo and Ranboo both have a lot of scars, but they never talk about them. Sometimes, they regret it.

Also, about the lore stream for Tubbo and Aimsey, let's not say that c!Tubbo is on his c!Dream arc, okay? Not a fan of comparing a villain to someone who had justified evil.

But if he wants to go more into a villain arc, then let him be his own villain instead of comparing him to already existing ones.

Anyway, on to the story

It was a nice day. Although they were trapped inside their mansion as they were snowed in from the storm the night before, it was still nice.

The warmth of the very big building was surprising, but not unwelcomed.

The two young adults had nothing to do as they already finished their daily chores around the house. So they just sat in each other's comfort. Their son was being taken care of by Tommy as Micheal and Shroud insisted on having a sleepover for a couple days. It's nice to see their son having friends his age.

They didn't have to worry about the baby pigmen not getting home that day since he was staying for the rest of the week anyway, which took stress of the parent's shoulders. As much as they loved their son, taking care of him wasn't easy. Props to the parents that took care of them, whoever they were.

They just sat next to each other by the fireplace and stayed close. Tubbo was able to snug his way under the taller's arm and stay close, face hidden in the other's side. The multicolored smiled at his adorable husband as he ran a hand through the goat's hair.

A hand from the other was on his lap, but other than that, they were practically hugging. As much as the smaller spoke about not liking physical contact, which is true in some cases, it didn't really apply to Ranboo. Or their son for that matter. It made him happy that he hasn't done anything to make the other afraid of him.

It was silent between the two, but it was nice. The enderman's tail wagged at the affection the younger was giving him. However, he couldn't help but look at the hand on his lap.

There wasn't necessarily anything wrong with it, it's just... there were just... scars.

Not a lot of them particularly, just sorta— one big one. It traced up his hand towards his arm, which the older knew lead to his chest and some on his neck. There were very few burn scars on the brunette's neck, but they were there. Then the more visibility one on his face which isn't currently in the split-toned's view at the moment.

The goat hybrid mentioned that they were caused by two different direct explosions, but didn't say anything more than that. Obviously, the dual colored wouldn't push the other into spilling if it made him uncomfortable or brought back bad memories.

Sadly, most of his husband's life was just bad memories, so he often did get flashbacks.

The taller sighed softly as he hesitantly lifted one of his own hands towards it and held it. He couldn't imagine what they looked like when he first got them, he didn't want to. Seeing his lover in that much pain and covered in so much blood? It must've been so painful.

He squeezed the hand, as if trying to provide it some comfort for something that happened awhile ago, then gently rubbed them.

The attention of the smaller then was given to him as he looked up. The split-colored looked back and saw the single eye looking at him through his hair.

Tubbo-centric storiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें