Movie Night

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Fanart by @pillow_4 on twitter

Published: March 21st 2021

So basically the plot line behind this is that recently they, sleepy bois family, found Tubbo in the streets. Tubbo hasn't really opened up to them even though it's been about 5 months. Tubbo only really talks to Tommy. Phil thought of an idea to bring them all closer, movie night. Also Tubbo is part moonbloom.

Tubbo was outside sitting in the grass making a flower crown. Tubbo was a really quiet kid, so this was a normal thing. He was just outside humming a tune that he remembers from his father. The father that left him to these new people.

The thing is that it was night. Fairy lights all around him as he sat in the grassy backyard. Tubbo loved the fresh air all around him, it felt nice.

"Hey Tubbo, it's time to come inside."

Tubbo turned around and saw Phil leaning against the door. Tubbo smiled softly and nodded as he stood up with the finished flower crown and walked over to Phil.

Phil patted his head, being careful of his horns, "what were you doing out here in this time of night?"

Tubbo smiled brightly as he held up a flower crown. Phil looked shocked that a kid his age could do this. He was only 7. Tubbo tilted his head in confusion and concern of Phil's expression.

"Don't worry kid, we're going to watch a movie so go get ready. Ok?"

Tubbo looked down, "it's ok if I join...?"

"Of course it is kid," Phil said with a smile, "it wouldn't be a good movie night without you."

Tubbo nodded as he fiddled with the flower crown, "as long as your ok with it..."

Tubbo walked in the house and went upstairs to his and Tommy's shared room to get ready. Phil sighed as he walked in.

"Something wrong dad?" Wilbur asked as he was getting the snacks.

"Nothing really. Just the automatic reaction Tubbo has to things. The kid is really quiet for a reason," Phil said as he helped his eldest son with the snacks.

"Is the reaction bad?" Techno asked as he set down the blankets in the living room.

"No, more like he assumes he isn't included. He asked if it was ok if he could join. He was scared to ask as well."

Techno sighed, "it's hard enough to get Tubbo to actually talk. He's only comfortable enough to talk to Tommy. But he still doesn't talk a lot. Nor will Tommy tell us what he's talking about."

"It's irritating how secretive kids can be," Wilbur said as he ran a hand through his hair.

Then, they heard a door open and saw Tommy rushing down the stairs, holding hands with Tubbo following behind him. Tommy had the flower crown that Tubbo made on his head.

"Alright! So what are we watching?" Tommy asked excited as Tubbo stayed close to him.

"It's a horror movie," Wilbur said with a smirk.

Tommy wasn't the best with horror movies, but he wasn't the worst. Tubbo however, got scared very easily. Tommy knew this and looked at his adoptive brother with a concerned expression.

"Really? A horror movie?" Tommy asked in a bored tone.

"What are you, a chicken?" Techno asked as he raised a brow.

"What?! No!" Tommy shouted.

Tubbo gripped Tommy's hand tighter which caused Tommy to look at him. Tommy gave Tubbo a comforting smile. Tubbo smiled softly and nodded. The adult and the teens looked at them, curious about what they're motioning towards.

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