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Fanart by @cyani07 on twitter

Made: October 16th 2021
Published: December 29th 2021

Ranboo goes to a meeting with the Syndicate, but comes home back later than expected and Tubbo isn't happy about it.

ANGST/COMFORT bc that's my life as a writer

Ranboo was walking back from a long journey from his previous house. He had to work over with his friends of the Syndicate on gathering resources and jewels. Mining is pretty much the enderman's strong suit, so he knew what he was doing. Then a blizzard struck, which caused his stay to be longer as well as his needs to tend to the animals.

The tall teen saw his mansion that he shared with his husband and his son up ahead and brightened up. It's been so long since he last seen it. He walked faster until he was at the double doors of the building and pushed them open, feeling the warmth of his proper home. He smiled softly as he hung up his winter coat and put his shoes aware before going to see his husband in their shared bedroom.

However, the small one that he loved so much was not in there. He didn't let that worry him as he just went over to Micheal's room to see if he was in there. Again with an unfortunate no, but their pigmen child was in there sleeping. The tall teen gently walked over to him and kissed his child's head, not waking him up before going out. He went back downstairs and went to look into the rooms that the goat was normally in.

The enderman lasted checked the goat hybrid's work office, and that was indeed where he was. The short teen was sitting at his desk, facing away from the door. Before the dual colored teen could even say anything, the shorter spoke first.

"You're late."

The voice he said that in was harsh and dry of emotions. Not being able to see the brunette's expression didn't help as the older as he flinched at the tone.

"I- I know. I'm sorry, I really am."

"Four weeks," the smaller said without turning around, "that's an awful long time for a trip that you said would be four days at the most."

The taller inhaled quickly as he heard a pencil tap on the table while the other was waiting for a response.

"I- I know. I just, mining took a long time, a-and then the blizzard, and also the animals, there was just a lot to d-"

"Did you lose your communicator while you were busy?" The brunette's tone was still emotionless.

"Well, no-"

"So you just ignored me, huh?" The enderman heard the noise of a pencil snapping.

The multicolored teen detached his communicator from his belt and looked at it.

173 unread messages sent from Tubbo_, it read.

Ranboo's heart sank. During that whole time, the idea of even looking at his communicator completely slipped his mind. It caused his beloved to be so worried about him. There was probably so much more since he didn't check it for the whole time he was gone.

"Oh, god... Bee, I'm so sor-"

"Don't pull that bullshit with me." The smaller turned around.

The split-toned teen couldn't see the shorter's eyes as they were hidden behind his hair, but he could feel the glare that the younger was giving him. A shiver ran down his spine at the expression directed at him.

"The hell am I supposed to think when you tell me your on the way back, after four weeks of ignoring every contact with me?!" The goat's voice raised. "Then you don't even answer me after I get your message?!"

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