Mama Q

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Fanart by I have no idea :(

Made: June 18th 2021
Published: August 12th 2021

This happens when Tubbo comes back from when Tommy and Tubbo try to kill Dream and they succeed. Tubbo was the one who took Dream's final life since he figured that Wilbur didn't want to be revived as he ASKED to be killed.

Also uh, in this au, Quackity never threatened to execute Ranboo.

Tubbo leaned against Tommy on the bench, then taking in the sight of the sunset. It was their sunset.

They're alive. They lived. Even after so many thoughts of how it could go wrong, it didn't. They pulled it off. Not only that, but it was the brunette's first kill on the server. He does not regret it at all.

"I can't believe we did it..." the blond spoke.

The brunette nodded, "we did. And we're alive..."

The taller teen nodded as he brought the smaller closer. The goat hybrid nuzzled into him. They sat there until the sun went completely down.

Then, the older got a message in his communicator. He checked it, the curious younger teen also looked.

From Big Q?

I'm so proud of you being able to pull that off with the situation you were in. You did amazing you little duckling.

The brunette smiled softly. He saw Quackity as a sort of mother figure when his actual mother died. With Schlatt and Quackity had their moment of almost getting married, then the adult could technically count as someone to fill the parental roll.

"Duckling?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah. He gave me that when I expressed my love for ducks. When we were working under... you know who," the smaller explained.

The other nodded. He knew that Tubbo went through some stuff when he was working under Schlatt, that wasn't even awhile ago. He didn't know what went on with him during exile either, but it seemed as if the brunette was happy to be talking to the adult with the communicator.

"You can go see him and talk to him if you want. We did almost die," the taller suggested.

The older rolled his eyes, "I almost died. You were going to be put in prison."

"Same difference."

The goat sighed, "whatever. Though, I might do that. Is that okay...?"

The younger nodded, "yeah sure."

The brunette nodded and stood up. He walked away, waving goodbye at the blond who waved back. He made his way over to the remainder of the community house. The memory of when he first saw it, when he had to give the disc to Dream. The discs that they got back that day. It's over.

Footsteps were behind him and his goat ears twitched. He turned to see the adult in a beanie smiling at him. Tubbo returned the smile.

"Hey Tubbo."


The older walked up to the teen and hugged him. The goat hybrid returned the embrace.

"I'm glad you're ok duckling..." Quackity spoke softly.

Tubbo nuzzled into the taller, "me too. I didn't think we'd actually be able to pull it off."

The adult had tears welling up in his eyes, "I think you should believe in yourself more. You and Tommy did great, now that green teletubby is dead. You don't need to worry about him anymore... none of us do."

The brunette had tears well up in his eyes as well, "he can't hurt anyone anymore. We actually did it."

Because of the two teens, no one has to suffer by him. No more people have to be manipulated. No one else have to go to wars because of the man. It's over with him.

Dream is the main source of all the conflict. Even though he had good intentions, they came out a very strange way. The blond masked man was a very emotionally influenced person, and Tubbo figured that out first hand when he had a meeting with the man.

The brunette thinks that that is the reason why Dream goes after all other emotional people. Hence, Tommy was a prime target for Dream. That's also why Tubbo was someone who the green hooded man tried to manipulate. To make the teen blond more given into his manipulation.

The goat hybrid hated himself for not noticing that sooner. It took going to kill the man to even realize reasons why he did what he did.

But now, that man is dead. Because of him and his best friend, no one has to deal with that. The other people who threaten the server are either dead, or just tired of conflict. Honestly, who could blame them for it.

Tubbo's been going in conflict since he was 9 years old. Now he's 17, and this was the last conflict.

It's over. No more explosions, no wars, no fighting, none of it.


The goat hybrid nuzzled into his chest, "are we... in peace finally...?"

Quackity ruffled the smaller's hair, "yeah... we are..."

Tubbo smiled brighter and closed his eyes, leaning more into the adult.

"You did it buddy..." Quackity said softly, proud of the teen.

So idk if these two are a duo, but here anyway. Since I don't see much about it, might as well.

Made this before the Las Nevadas stuff so uh- Yeah.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

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