I understand.

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Fanart by @lovoviii on twitter

Made: April 17th 2021
Published: May 27th 2021

Fanart has nothing to do with the story

So basically, y'know how Puffy and Tubbo both seem to not want to kill Dream? Yeah this is about if they talked about that together.

Puffy is Dream's parent/guardian and it's canon, so mama Puffy and she's a dad to Foolish so we're gonna be gender neutral 'bout it. Also Dadschlatt bc I say so.

Tubbo was just sitting on the porch of his house when he heard a vibration from his communicator. Tubbo walked over to it and saw a message from Puffy.

Hey, can we talk?

Tubbo wondered why Puffy wanted to talk to him of all people, but he shrugged it off.

Sure. When and where?

We can meet in my office. Do you know where that is?

The one you and Tommy were in awhile ago?

Yeah that one.

Yep! I'll meet you there.

Right then, see you soon Tubbo.

Huh. Strange

Tubbo walked to the hyperspeed tunnel and went in it. He made his way down the prime path, walking by Tommy's house. Tubbo smiled as he knew Tommy was back, but what he has recently said to him, made him a bit uncomfortable.

"We need to kill Dream"

I mean... he's probably getting what he deserves... killing him... seems to be a bad option actually...

Tubbo snapped out of his thoughts and found himself at the door of Puffy's office. It was Puffy's therapy office which made Tubbo wonder if he accidentally agreed to a therapy session. Tubbo shook his head and knocked on the door.

"Puffy? You wanted to talk?" Tubbo called through the door.

Tubbo heard rustling from the other side of the door before the sheep hybrid female opened the door. Puffy smiled at the goat hybrid teen and welcomed him to come in.

Tubbo walked in and Puffy motioned to a chair in front of her. Tubbo was slowly being more and more convinced that he accidentally signed himself up for a therapy session.

"So, I wanted to talk to you about something..." Puffy said as she leaned back on her chair.

"Yeah..?" Tubbo answered.

"Well, during Tommy's session, he mentioned something."

It's about Tommy?

"Oh, is he doing ok?" Tubbo asked, worried for his best friend.

"I wouldn't say he's ok, but I can say he's healing," Puffy responded with a smile.

Tubbo let out a breath of relief, he didn't even know he was holding it.

"However, this isn't about Tommy. It's about you."

Tubbo nodded slowly, "so..? What did Tommy say that made you want to talk to me...?"

Puffy fixed the papers on her desk, "during Tommy's session, he was letting out a bit of his emotions and mostly his anger towards you."

Tubbo's small smile fell, but he immediately forced it back up, "what... what did he say...?"

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