Save Him

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Fanart by @scrufflet on twitter

Made: April 4th 2022
Published: May 11th 2022

Ranboo needs to be revived but his ghost can't visit Tubbo because he would feel to many emotions and fade away. What a conundrum.

Anyway, since Ghostboo can't see Tubbo cause he'll die... and the only person who has some knowledge of that would be Aimsey...

I'll let the story say the rest :D

Aimsey took a deep breath as he walked into Snowchester territory again.

He learned of what the apparent owner of the land was like, the guy seemed unhinged. Something seriously fucked up happened to the man, that's something that she knew for sure.

Their interaction with Ran also proved it.

Tubbo, his name was. Tubbo had gone through something so much worse, but it wasn't the ghost's right to say it. But apparently the man wasn't ever going to say it himself either?

How in the world was she going to help him if he refused to say anything? (Sensing a savior and/or hero complex coming along)

Why would he want to save the guy if that was a guy who stole from them as well as kill them in the first place?!

She doesn't understand how her brain works sometimes.

He took a deep breath before their fist hit the door.

Noise was heard from inside the mansion before the doors were swung open.

"Oh, it's you," the taller brunette said, his voice a bit raspier than the bunny remembered.

"Yes... I wanted to talk to you."

"I'm not giving you your flower back."

She took a deep breath, "this isn't about that. This is about Ran."

The goat hybrid stiffened a bit, "what about him?"

"I— it's hard to explain. Can I come inside?"

"... Don't touch anything."

He stepped away and watched closely, just in case, as they walked in the big halls again. Even though they only had the place for a bit, it felt like home being back in it. But she didn't want to intrude on something that the young adult clearly thought a lot of.

Or did he?

"So what about him?"


"Are you just wasting my time? I'm very busy, y'know. I won't hesitate to take another life."

The smaller stiffened at that before nodding, he had forgotten that they have multiple lives. But it seems to make it clear that they apparently had more than two as well?

"Yes, yesterday I had a bit of a discussion with Ran. He admitted he was dead, just like you said."

"...You confronted him about it?"

"Yes, I did. I wanted to know more, and he was my first friend here. Now, I don't know if I could trust him... or anyone."


The bunny looked at him in surprise, "good?"

The taller nodded, "it's never good to trust anyone around here. It'll help you in the long haul. Place is hell."

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