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Fanart by @kenny_jpg13 on twitter

Made: August 8th 2021
Published: November 23rd 2021

The only thing that I'm gonna say is...

after all the explosions Tubbo's been in, so you seriously think he wouldn't be able to smell lingering gunpowder?

The fanarts a hint about who this is mostly about.

Also another hint, takes place after Wilbur made Ranboo set up the tnt in Las Nevadas.

.... It's not fluff. I'll give you that.

Now, let's get to it.

Ranboo had calmed down after he had that talk with his husband about the outpost. He honestly didn't know why he couldn't look at the brunette in the eyes anymore. He felt betrayed, but it was Tubbo's land, so who allowed him the right to feel that way?

Wilbur informed the enderman after that conversation, when it was turning night, that no one was in Las Nevadas at the time. So that gave him the perfect opportunity to place the items that the adult gave him.

Tnt. A deadly weapon used in so many destructions of nations, it felt oddly fitting that it was being placed there. However, Ranboo couldn't work up the courage to place it around the land of the cookie outpost. Even if it was technically Las Nevadas property now, he couldn't do it.

Now he found himself at the door of his mansion. His and his husband's mansion, obviously. They did have a small disagreement, but the way the smaller was speaking was showing that he wasn't bothered much. Well, that made one of them.

However, even though the taller couldn't look the other in the eyes, he saw the fake smile that he forced on his face while talking. The older couldn't even comfort him since he didn't feel comfortable looking at him in the eyes. It made the enderman feel terrible.

The multicolored teen took a deep breath before opening the door to the house. It was quiet. Too quiet for Ranboo's liking.

He knew Micheal would be asleep by know, but the goat hybrid barely slept. It isn't a good thing, but it allowed the bi-colored hybrid to know he was ok.

The enderman walked around until he found his husband. The brunette was sat on the couch, just staring into the fire place they had. The taller wasn't comfortable with how still the other was being.

The dual colored walked up to him and sat down next to him. The goat didn't budge and inch. He was tense, staring at the fire through his hair. Silence was in the room.

Ranboo was about to break the silence, but the other beat him to it.

"...m' sorry..."

The voice was so soft, broken up a bit. It broke the enderman's heart with just the tone. But the words made his heart completely shatter. The taller knew that the whole ordeal made Tubbo sad, but not like this.

But, the older didn't even know what the shorter was apologizing for. Before he got his answer, the smaller brought his knees up to his chest and dug his face in them.

"Bee... it's- it's okay... I'm sure... you didn't mean it..." the enderman hybrid spoke softly.

He didn't really know what to do. He didn't know what made his husband like this, but it likely had something to do with their conversation. The taller moved the other on his lap and raised the brunette's head to look at him.

Despite not being able to do this earlier, the split-toned teen moved the smaller's hair out of his face. The enderman stared at the goat's eyes.

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