The final play. Checkmate

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Fanart by @3ND3RB0Y_ on twitter

Made: May 9th 2021
Published: June 18th 2021

So I had this idea, that Tubbo was being forced to see Ranboo get tortured by Dream. Obviously this wouldn't happen, but when I have an idea I can't simply let it go.

•Character Death
•Attempted Suicide


Tubbo's head was throbbing. The last thing he remembered was walking to Snowchester before something was placed over his mouth. Then, his vision went black and he woke up here.

But where exactly was here?

The brunette looked around only to see a black room. Blackstone to be exact. He tried to move, but only was pulled back by a force. He turned to see he was chained to a wall.

Ok, what the actual fuck is going on?

Tubbo pulled at the chains, trying to break them as he saw they weren't exactly stuck to the wall good. He kept pulling, until he heard his noise. His goat ears twitched at it and he looked straight ahead, stopping what he was doing. The wall suddenly raised and it showed someone who recently broke out of jail.


Dream smirked, his mask was broken when he went to prison. He has more scars than Tubbo actually remembers seeing, even though he's only seen half of Dream's face before.

"Hello Tubbo," Dream said as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"Dream..." Tubbo growled.

Dream put his hands up in fake surrender, "relax. I'm not gonna hurt you. Well, physically at least. I just want to talk."

The goat hybrid narrowed his eyes at the green blob man, "what do you want to know..."

"I want to know... what that book you were speaking to Ranboo about was. Y'know, that book you said you had. That 'plain' book that you went a certain direction for."

Does he mean... the book I found in the north? How the hell does he know about that? I've only said that I had a book. I didn't specify what book it was to anyone.

"Don't bother trying to hide it. I know you have a certain book that I need. Give it to me and things won't have to go south," Dream said as he lifted Tubbo's chin so they looked each other on the eyes.

Tubbo wasn't good with eye contact, but he was pretty good at reading people through them. He could see how Dream was having trouble reading him.

"And if I say no?" Tubbo challenged.

Dream grinned and stepped back from the brunette. He turned around and then clapped twice. Then, the wall was raising once again to reveal something that shocked the teen.

It was Ranboo tied up to a pole, cloth over his mouth. He was moving around a lot, trying to break free. Then, something appeared from the ground. A tank. The tank slowly filled with water, right in front of Ranboo.

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