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Found the pic on the internet and thought it looked cool

Made: April 24th 2021
Published: June 2nd 2021

(First update of pride month. This is a great time to be alive.)

Ok, listen to me here. Fairy Tail au. Guild master Philza. Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy are his kids. Momza's their mom. DreamSMP and OriginSMP people all in the same guild of Fairy Tail.

The minors are the next generation, kinda like how Wendy and Romeo were the kids of the guild.

Schlatt is Tubbo's dad and Puffy is Tubbo's aunt bc why not. Making Dream and Foolish both Tubbo's cousins.

Their powers will be basically what I think would fit their in game characters as well as the same ones from in origin for the ones in that smp.

Language warning

Tubbo opened the gates to the guild and walked in with his mission partner.

"See you next mission," Hannah said as she smiled at the teen.

"Yeah! It was fun," Tubbo said as a bee buzzed around him.

The two brunette's went their separate ways. Tubbo walked up to his two friends that argue over letting one of them into something. One of them had black hair while the other had purple and blue hair.

"Look, I don't ever have to let you in," Scott said as he leaned back in his chair.

"C'mon, what can I do to let me in," Ranboo asked.

"Nope, you're banned." Scott said with an obvious fake smile.

Tubbo chuckled and ruffled the black and white hair of the taller teen, "arguing with the lord of the end again?"

Ranboo groaned out of frustration,"look, it's not my fault. I don't even know why I'm banned."

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "yeah yeah big man. Whatever."

Tubbo never knew what the two were arguing about, but somehow it seemed fitting for them to be. Scott being a literal ender god slayer and Ranboo being the ender dragon slayer seemed to really make them seem like they'd argue a lot somehow.

The brunette apparently zoned out cause the when he zoned out was when he heard his name.

"Because Tubbo literally is the little brother of the entire guild despite being older than both you and the child. No clue how, but he's using that privilege," Scott said.

Ranboo sighed in defeat and sat down next to Tubbo. The smaller raised a brow at the other, but the multicolor haired teen just shook his head.

"So, you didn't tag along on a job with Tommy?" Ranboo asked.

"Well, I went on a duo mission with Hannah. Dadza said that our magic work well together so we tried it out. Went well, and apparently Tommy left his so called 'best friend' behind and went on a mission with his brothers," Tubbo said as a bee landed on his fingers.

"Paper and plant magic... how would that be a good combination? You seem to both have a weakness to the same thing so I couldn't see," Ranboo seemed perplexed about the duo.

"Well, you obviously don't know what my magic completely does. Nor do you know what Hannah's powers do," Tubbo said as he made a tiny vine flick Ranboo's forehead.

Then, the doors of the guild swung open and three people walked in.

"AYUP! WE'RE BACK BITCHES!" Tommy shouted as he walked in.

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