Exiled Tubbo pt. 2

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Published: January 21st 2021

Tubbo was playing with his bees when he heard footsteps and Tubbo turned around to see Dream. Tubbo kept the smile on his face, he was always good at hiding his emotions behind a smile.

"Hey Dream, whatcha doing here?"

"I just wanted to visit you since nobody else will." Dream said with a smile.

Tubbo saw straight through his lies, "you're lying. But your probably right despite the lies."

Dream looked slightly annoyed.

"So why are you really here Dream?"

"I just wanted to see you really."

Tubbo stared at him, "there's nothing for you to do here. Even if you wanted to see me you would have an objective. If you wanted to mess around with me, I'd suggest you leave."

Dream grew irritated and tried his best to hide it, "I mean after the whole Tommy thing and him picking a his discs over his best friend I wanted to see how you were holding up."

"Thanks for the concern, person who put me here by blaming a burnt down house on me, but I'll be fine on my own with bees." Tubbo said with a smile.

Dream sighed. Dream saw that Tubbo would be a lot harder to gain the trust of.

*time skip*

Tubbo looked around the land.

If I'm going to be here the rest of my life, I'll make it livable.

Tubbo smiled and got to work to create a place for him to live.

Tubbo worked day and night for a nice place to live. He even decorated the inside. He even had safety equipment just in case.

Tubbo finally finished up the front of his house and then stepped back to look at his hard work. Tubbo smiled at the progress.

Then he heard footsteps and turned around to see a shocked Dream.

"Oh! Hi Dream!" Tubbo said with a smile.

"Hey Tubbo... what the heck is this..?"

Tubbo gave an excited smile, "I had a lot of free time. I can show you around!"

"Uhh... sure"

Tubbo grabbed Dream's hand and dragged him to the house.

Tubbo showed him all the rooms and he even had a room for his bees if they wanted to come in and out.

After awhile Dream got annoyed and hid it.

"I should head to sleep, this is a nice place you got."

Tubbo smiled, "thanks! Have a goodnight!"

Once Dream left, Tubbo's fake smile fell.

Tubbo got all the info he needed by each of Dream's reactions.

So.. he doesn't like the fact that I'm ok with living here... He was also forcing Tommy's hand to exile me... does he want to control us? He wants to gain my trust which should be why he lied on coming to see me... all I need to do is not given in. He's probably going to try to force me to rely on him... maybe it's because I also have one of Tommy's discs...

Tubbo was in thought but snapped out of it when a bee nuzzled into him. Tubbo smiled at the bee.

He knew what he needed to do... he needed to leave

But he knew, that he needed to lead on Dream. Make Dream think that Tubbo is on his side. Then, he'll leave. So nothing about him can control anyone. He'll fake his death.

It's what's needed to be done.

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