I'll put up with it

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Fanart by @kisekii_25 on twitter

Made: April 6th 2022
Published: May 17th 2022

Tubbo tries to say no to Tommy

He needs to stop putting his life on the line for things that don't concern him now that he has more to care about.

But Tommy's his best friend...

Takes place a bit after Tommy was revived.

"I'm telling you, Tubbo, he's gonna break out. He will and he'll come after me, I need to prepare, Tubz. I need to, I need your help."

God, did the brunette feel like an absolute jerk at the moment.

He's so selfish, why wouldn't he do this? Why doesn't he want to? His best friend is in trouble, and every part of him is telling him to tell the other that he can't do this anymore? What the actual fuck is wrong with him!

"Tommy, I—"

Don't you dare finish that sentence.

"Tubbo, he will! You got to believe me, he will and we'll need to fight this again! We need to prepare for another war—"

"Tommy, I can't."


"You can't? What the hell do you mean you can't?!"

"I... I can't keep doing this, Tommy..." he hated his defeated he sounded.

"Yes you can! You're strong, Tubbo, we can keep fighting! We can't lose!"

"Tommy, I don't... I don't want to keep fighting..."


"I'm... I'm just so tired, tired of everything... I get why you want to, and I'll still do it... but I won't be entirely— in my head, y'know? I think it's better to not get involved than to partly be and perhaps give my last life up..."

"I— don't you think I'm tired too?! I just died, Tubbo! Died as in dead! I don't want to face that shit again!"

God, did the other yell so much.

At least this time it's justifiable.

"I have a home in Snowchester, I have a husband, a kid, and now I have you back. I... I just want to be able to live a normal life..."

"... I hate to break it to you, but we aren't lucky enough to ever get normal lives."

I know that.

"Besides, you want me to settle down when I was just revived from a world of pain. This is a fight that concerns me. I'm not going to lose it just because my friend wants to prioritize a life that he made when I died."


"I... I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said anything."

"No, no, I get it. You got married and suddenly you're to good for me! It's fine, it's fine. Fighting is stressful, I get it."

"Tommy, that's not what I mean—"

"Isn't it?" The blond's eyes looked hurt, "you went off to have a good life when I died. You can continue to have it while I stay here and fight for my own."

"I grieved you're death, I tried to find out who blew up the prison, who was the real person behind your death. I care about you so much, I just— am so tired. I have no right to be, but I am," he felt his eyes starting to water.

"You're right. You have no right to be tired. You didn't live through exile, you didn't live through being killed for the last time, you didn't live through me putting up with Wil's shit, you didn't live through any of the things I did. If you did, then I'd say you'd have a valid reason.

But you didn't. You exiled me. After that, you went and got yourself a boyfriend. A man who is now your husband, and a kid. While I'm here broken, you're living it up. And you're still tired."

He could practically hear his heart break.

"It hurt me so much to send you away. You're my best friend, Tommy. I had no choice, I'm sorry. For everything, and for even having the audacity to complain to you after everything you've gone through. But I just— being tired isn't something I have control over."

"But joining me is something you do have control of. I get you're tired. You don't have to join me if you don't want to, you have take care of your more important family."

"You're important to me as well, Tom..."

"...I know. Do what you want, I don't care. But this is a war I'm fighting, with or without you."

The smaller wanted to cry.

"... I'll always be with you Tommy. I'll die for you."

"Please don't, actually."

"If it's necessary. But I'm fighting this with you. Whether I like it or not. It's you and me, verses Dream."

Tommy smiled, "and it always will be."

I'm sorry Ranboo, Micheal.

I have to do this for him. I owe him so much.

I'll put up with this for him.

Am sad.

Hope you sad too

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