Do you think I'm stupid?

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Published: January 26th 2021

I don't know who made the art :(

"I can take them off your hand while you're busy."

Tubbo turned around to look at Jack Manifold.

"You sure you can handle them? Do you know how to deal with the drawbacks of the project?" Tubbo asked concerned.

"Yes I know how to deal with the nukes, we went over them multiple times," Manifold said, laughing a little.

Tubbo smiled, "make sure they're last resorts of anything happens, alright?"

Manifold smiled, "of course Tubbo."

Tubbo went into his storage room with all of his armor.

Manifold smirked as he looked at the key. The key to the nukes. The key to Dream Catcher. They were his. Once Tubbo and Tommy were busy dealing with their meeting, he can blow up all of Tommy's stuff. Just as Dream requested.

"Hope Tubbo won't be as upset when everything Tommy owns will be gone... maybe even I'll kill him myself..." Manifold mumbled as he walked to the factory where the nukes were held.

He looked over to see Tubbo with a trident out in the water and then riptides away. Manifold smirked as walked in. He went to the chest where the explosions were held and he put his key in it. He then twisted the key and the chest opened revealing the explosives made specially hand crafted with redstone.

Manifold reached his hand in to grab one.

"What are you doing?"

Jack Manifold turned around to see Tubbo with an axe on his back.

"Oh! Tubbo! I was just getting them out, just in case!" Manifold quickly said as an excuse.

Tubbo narrowed his eyes at Mainfold, "do you take me for an idiot Jack Manifold?"

Manifold had sweat roll down his face.

Tubbo sighed, "I guess I can't blame you... everybody else does."

Manifold gulped and was trying to think of what to say.

Tubbo's face wasn't showing it's usual smile. It was completely emotionless.

"I've been betrayed and used in every single task that I enjoy and put my heart into. This is a normal thing as sad as it is. But I know when I'm being used. I always had. But I guess it's my fault for thinking I could change not only your mind, but everyone else's who betrayed me. I should've learned my lesson the first time I tried and failed. I guess I have to much faith in people." Tubbo said he glanced at the axe on his back.

Manifold stared up in fear.

Tubbo smiled as his eyes still showed no emotion.

"But I should really thank you, Jack Manifold." Tubbo said as he reached for the axe on his back.

"T-Thank me for w-what...?" Manifold asked as he scooted away slightly.

Tubbo gave an eyes closed smile with the axe in hand, "for proving to me that people don't change... and if they do, it's for the worse."

Manifold hit the wall as Tubbo walked over to him.

Tubbo smiled at him, "thanks for pushing me past my hopeful self. It'll be useful in the fight against Dream. I'm pretty sure that Dream won't be expecting the person he's working with, the one who was suppose to deceive the idiotic Tubbo, to be dead."

Manifold's eyes widened, "T-Tubbo... we can t-talk about this-"

"Save it." Tubbo cut him off as he glared at Manifold.

Tubbo put the axe to Jack Manifold's neck.

"Goodbye Jack." Tubbo said in a cold voice.


JackManifoldTV was slain by Tubbo_
I wrote this literally while watching the stream when they just started the Dream Catcher Project. I saw on twitter a comic and then put my own spin on it :)

 I saw on twitter a comic and then put my own spin on it :)

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Tubbo-centric storiesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt